You can view and edit the basic appearance of all dashlets on your dashboard, and determine the refresh settings, through the Dashboard Properties.
To view and edit the Dashboard Properties:
| 1. | On the dashboard toolbar, click |
Dashboard Properties |
| 2. | Edit the Canvas Settings, if needed: |
| • | Background Color: Select the color of the dashboard's background. |
| • | Set custom size in pixels: Select when you want the dashboard to be displayed at a specific width and height instead of dynamically resizing based on the browser window. Enter the desired width and height of the dashboard. |
| 3. | Edit the Dashlet Settings, if needed: |
| • | Show filter dashlet as pop-up: Select when you want the filter dashlet to appear as a pop-up window instead of a dashlet pinned on the dashboard. |
| • | Show dashlet borders: Select or deselect this to show or hide the thin lines around each dashlet. |
| • | Dashlet outer margin in pixels: Enter the desired width, in pixels, of the margins between dashlets. |
| • | Dashlet inner padding in pixels: Enter the desired width, in pixels, of the padding inside each dashlet. |
| • | Title bar text color: Select the text color for the title bars of all of the dashboard's dashlets. |
| • | Title bar background color: Select the background color for the title bars of all of the dashboard's dashlets. |
| 4. | Edit the Toolbar Settings, if needed: |
| • | Show Export Button: Select or deselect to show or hide the Export button in the dashboard viewer. |
| 5. | Edit the Refresh Settings, if needed: |
| • | Auto-refresh dashboard contents: Select or deselect this to enable or disable automatic refresh for your content. |
| • | Refresh Interval: Enter the number of minutes or seconds between each content refresh, using the text entry and drop-down menu. |
Dashlet Properties
You can view and edit basic information and appearance for each dashlet on your dashboard using the Dashlet properties. For some dashlets, you can also create parameters which you can then map to in Parameter Mapping. The available properties vary based on the type of dashlet you are working with.
To view and edit the Dashlet properties:
| 1. | Right-click on the dashlet and select Properties to open the Dashlet Properties window. The Hyperlinks tab is available for Ad Hoc-based charts and charts created inside the dashboard, as well as text and image dashlets. A Formatting tab is available for text dashlets. |
| 2. | Click Apply to view the changes, OK to accept the changes, and Cancel to discard the changes. |
Basic Properties for Charts, Crosstabs, Tables, Reports, and Ad Hoc Views Dashlet
Basic Tab Properties |
| • | Dashlet Name: Editable field for the displayed dashlet name. |
| • | Resource ID: Non-editable ID taken from the original dashlet name. |
| • | Source Data: Non-editable path of the source data. |
| • | Show/Hide Dashlet Elements: Select or deselect to show or hide the title bar, which includes the dashlet name, refresh button, export button, and maximize button. You can also choose to show or hide the Visualization Selector button. |
| • | Scale to Fit: Use the drop-down menu to determine how the element is scaled in the dashlet. Scale to Fit is available for dashlets for tables, crosstabs, reports, and existing Ad Hoc view tables and crosstabs. Scale to Fit is not available for charts or existing Ad Hoc view charts. |
| • | Refresh Settings: Select or deselect to enable or disable auto-refresh, and use the text entry and drop-down menu to set the time between each content refresh. |
Properties on the Hyperlink tab
Hyperlinks Tab Properties |
| The Hyperlinks tab is available for Ad Hoc-based charts and charts created inside the dashboard, as well as text and image dashlets. |
| • | Enable hyperlinks: Select or deselect to enable a hyperlink for the dashlet. |
| • | Action: Select link behavior for this dashlet: |
| • | Update page: Select this option to update the dashboard's contents when a user clicks on a link in the dashlet. |
| • | Open new page: Select this to have the dashlet open a web page or report, dashboard, or an Ad Hoc view in the repository in a new browser tab or window when a user clicks on the dashlet. Click Browse to select a resource from the repository. |
You can link directly to a web page using http: syntax:$P{Customer Country}
A repository URL must begin with repo:, for example,
You can add a parameter to a hyperlink for a web page, dashboard, or report. Parameters are not available for Ad Hoc views. See Specifying Parameters in Dashlets for more information about adding parameters to hyperlinks.
| • | Replace page: Select this option to replace the current dashboard page with a web page or report, dashboard, or an Ad Hoc view in the repository when a user clicks on the dashlet. Click Browse to select a resource from the repository. The syntax for links and parameters is the same as the Open new page option. |
If the dashlet replaces the page with an Ad Hoc view, it will open in the Ad Hoc View Designer. A Back button appears on the toolbar after the dashlet opens a report or dashboard that will take you back to the previous dashboard.
| • | Available parameters: If you want to add a parameter in the hyperlink, use a name in this list to have Parameter Mapping create the link to the parameter automatically. |
| • | Add New Parameter: For text and image dashlets, you can define a parameter to include in the hyperlink. Click the Add New Parameter button and enter the parameter's name and value in the new table row. Click |
Adding a New Parameter to a Dashlet |
| • | Map Parameters: When you add a parameter, click this button to save and close the Dashlet Properties window and open Parameter Mapping. See Parameter Mapping for more information. |
Basic Properties for Text Dashlets
Basic Tab for Text Dashlets |
| • | Dashlet Name: Editable field or the displayed dashlet name. |
| • | Resource ID: Non-editable ID taken from the original dashlet name. |
| • | Text: Editable field for the text displayed in the dashlet. |
Formatting Properties for Text Dashlets
| The Formatting tab is only available on text dashlets. |
Formatting Tab for Text Dashlets |
| • | Scale to Fit: Use the drop-down menu to determine how the text is scaled in the dashlet. This overrides the specified font size. |
| • | Font: Use the selection lists and buttons to set the font, font size, font style, and alignment. |
| • | Background Color: Select the color of the dashboard's background. |
| • | Text Color: Select the color for the text displayed in the dashlet. |
| • | Show Borders: Select or deselect to show or hide the dashlet's border. If you select to show the dashlet's border, you can choose the border's color. |
Basic Properties for Web Page Dashlets
Basic Tab for Web Page Dashlets |
| • | Dashlet Name: Editable field for the displayed dashlet name. |
| • | Resource ID: Non-editable ID taken from the original dashlet name. |
| • | Web Page Address (URL): Editable field for the URL displayed in the dashlet. |
| • | Show/Hide Dashlet elements: Select or deselect to show or hide the title bar, which includes the dashlet name, refresh button, and maximize button. |
| • | Show scroll bars: Select or deselect to show or hide scroll bars. |
| • | Refresh Settings: Select or deselect to enable or disable auto-refresh, and use the text entry and drop-down menu to set the time between each content refresh. This setting overrides refresh properties set at the dashboard level. |
Basic Properties for Image Dashlets
Basic Tab for Image Dashlets |
| • | Dashlet Name: Editable field for the displayed dashlet name. |
| • | Resource ID: Non-editable ID taken from the original dashlet name. |
| • | Web Address/Repository URI: Editable field for the location of the image displayed in the dashlet. This can include parameters. Click Browse to select an image from the repository. |
| • | Show/Hide Dashlet elements: Select or deselect to show or hide the title bar, which includes the dashlet name, refresh button, maximize button, and dashlet borders. If you select to show dashlet borders, you can choose the border color. |
| • | Scale to Fit: Use the drop-down menu to determine how the image is scaled in the dashlet. |
Properties for Input Control Dashlets
Input Control Dashlet Properties |
| • | Dashlet Name: Editable field for the displayed dashlet name. |
| • | Resource ID: Non-editable ID taken from the original dashlet name. |
| • | Show/Hide Dashlet buttons: Select or deselect to show or hide the Apply button or Reset button. |
| • | Position of dashlet buttons: Use the drop-down menu to select bottom or right. |
Parameter Mapping
Parameter Mapping helps you refine your filters by letting you specify which dashlets and which parameters are affected by a filter.
To open Parameter Mapping:
| 1. | Open a dashboard with filters, such as the Sales Dashboard created in Creating a Dashboard, in the Dashboard Designer. |
| 2. | Click |
Parameter Mapping for the Sales Dashboard |
Parameter Mapping displays the filter-to-dashlet mapping, and includes the following columns and buttons:
| • | Source Dashlet, the name of the dashlet where the filter originates. Can also display Filter Group (multiple filters in a single dashlet) or Manually Created Filter (filter created using Parameter Mapping, as described below). |
| • | Filter/Parameter, the name of the filter. |
| • | Dashlet Affected, with a dropdown menu including all dashlets that can be affected by that filter. |
| • | Filter/Parameter Affected, with a dropdown menu including all parameters associated with the selected dashlet in the Dashlet Affected column. |
| • | Add button |
| • | Delete button |
From Parameter Mapping, you can add, delete, or edit an existing dashlet/parameter combination, and create a new filter to add to the dashboard.
To add a filter using Parameter Mapping:
| 1. | Open a dashboard with filters, and open Parameter Mapping as described above. |
| 2. | In the filter row you want to add the new filter to, click |
| 3. | Using these new line-items, select the dashlet and parameter combination you want to apply to the dashboard. |
| 4. | Click OK to apply and save or Cancel to discard your changes. |
To delete a filter using Parameter Mapping:
| 1. | Open Parameter Mapping. |
| 2. | In the filter row you want to delete, click |
To create a new filter via Parameter Mapping:
| 1. | Open Parameter Mapping. |
| 2. | Click Create New Filter. A new row is added to the manager. |
| 3. | In the Filter column, enter a name for the new filter. Click outside the text box to apply the name. |
| 4. | Click |
| 5. | Click OK to apply and save, or Cancel to discard the new filter. |
To delete a newly-created filter:
| 1. | In Parameter Mapping, click |
| 2. | Click |
| 3. | Click OK to apply and save, or Cancel to discard the new filter. |
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