Overview of CZS's Process

After defining their business case (as above), CZS took these steps to implement the Sales Numbers view:


Described in Section …


Identified the dimensions upon which to base access control. CZS chose the Geographical Area and Product Department dimensions.



Identified and created access roles. CZS identified two roles: one for managers and another for sales reps. Both are granted access to the Ad Hoc view.

Determining Roles


Assigned the appropriate roles to each user based on each employees’ responsibilities.

Selecting Users for the Roles


Identified the attributes that will be defined for each user. CZS identified five attributes: Country, Region, State, Cities, and ProductDepartment.

Attributes and Variable Substitution and Assigning Attributes


Defined the correct values for each user’s attributes by editing user accounts.

Defining Attributes for Users and the JasperReports Server Administrator Guide


Created an AGXML (access grant definition XML) file that defines the access granted to users with each role and attribute.

Using Attributes in an Access Grant Definition and
Reference Material


Created a Mondrian connection that pointed to their sales data and included the sales access grant definition.

Creating a Mondrian Connection


Created the Ad Hoc view that points to the Mondrian connection.

Creating a Sales Numbers Ad Hoc View


Tested the view as various users.

Testing the Results