Configuring externalAuthProperties

The externalAuthProperties bean stores properties specific to Jaspersoft’s external authentication API. For CAS authentication, configure the externalAuthProperties bean to specify the following URLs for communication with the CAS server:

ssoServerLocation property — Specifies the HTTPS URL where tickets are validated on the CAS server.
externalLoginUrl property — Specifies the login URL for external users. Can be set relative to ssoServerLocation.
logoutUrl property — Specifies the logout URL for external users. Can be set relative to ssoServerLocation.

The following example shows how you might set these beans:

<bean id="externalAuthProperties" class="
  <property name="externalLoginUrl" value="#ssoServerLocation#/login"/>
  <property name="logoutUrl" value="#ssoServerLocation#/logout"/>
  <property name="ssoServerLocation" value="https://casserver:8443/cas"/>