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Changes to the Jaspersoft community edition download ×
  • Changing the Temporary Storage Directory (ex: /tmp) for JasperReports Server


    In some cases, you may need to change the directory JasperServer uses to store temporary files (for example, if you are using UNIX, and space in that directory/mount is limited). The default temporary directory is "$APPSERVER_BASE/tmp".

    To change your temporary storage location, you must modify the setting in your application server.

    In Apache Tomcat, you would do this by setting the CATALINA_TMPDIR variable in catalina.sh (UNIX) or catalina.bat (Windows). For example (added as line 129 to catalina,sh):

    export CATALINA_TMPDIR=/root/TmpJasperServer

    if [ -z "$CATALINA_TMPDIR" ] ; then
        # Define the java.io.tmpdir to use for Catalina


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