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  • Upgrading JasperReports Server 3.1 to 3.5 For Tomcat + Oracle + Linux

    • Features: JasperReports Server Version: v3.5, v3.1, v3.0 Product: JasperReports® Server


    When a new JasperReports Server version is released, customers typically want to upgrade to the new version in order to have the latest bug fixes and the newest features.

    While the upgrade process is documented in the JasperServer-Install_Guide.pdf that comes with the new release, this tutorial is more narrowly focused on the Oracle database, the Linux operating system, and the Tomcat application server.

    Product Version

    This tutorial works with version 3.0 and 3.1, upgrading to version 3.5.


    This guide will enable you to:


    Users should have JasperReports Server 3.1 or 3.0 installed under Linux using the Oracle 10.x or 11.x database and Tomcat 5.5 or 6.x.

    Assumption: This tutorial uses Tomcat as the example application server.

    • If you have an application server other than Tomcat you can still use this tutorial.
    • Substitute your application server's specific information when doing the application server portion of the upgrade steps.

    Pre-Upgrade Steps

    Note on JasperReports Server 3.0: There were no database changes between JasperReports Server 3.0 and 3.1. Therefore, this upgrade procedure works for upgrades that start with either version.

    Handling Customizations:

    • If you made modifications or customizations to your JasperReports Server 3.0 or 3.1 application, these configurations are typically found in the WEB-INF/applicationContext-*.xml set of files.
    • Configuration modifications such as client specific security classes or LDAP server configurations need to be hand copied from the older 3.0 or 3.1 environment and re-integrated into the new 3.5 environment.
    • Running diffs between the files will help highlight your local customizations.

    Backing Up Database

    Follow these steps for an Oracle JasperReports Server database backup.

    1Shutdown your JasperReports Server Application Server instance (or make sure that user activity is read-only)
    2Login to a shell account on a machine where you can run the Oracle client/DBA utilities.
    3Run the datapump utility, which is available on Oracle 10 and 11.

    As DBA admin, create a location for the backup.

    a. sqlplus /nolog

    b. Make sure the directory pointed to below exists on the Oracle server:

    • SQL> connect sys as sysdba
    • Enter password:
    • Connected.SQL>CREATE DIRECTORY dmpdir AS '/opt/oracle';
    • SQL>GRANT read, write ON DIRECTORY dmpdir TO jasperserver;

    c. Exit sqlplus.

    d. Do the datadump export:

    • expdp jasperserver/password DIRECTORY=dmpdir


    Note: For additional reference: view the Oracle Datapump Wiki site.

    Backing Up JasperReports Server WAR File

    Follow these steps to save off the 3.1 jasperserver-pro war file(s).

    1The jasperserver-pro war file is typically deployed as a directory, so move and rename this directory.
    Login to your application server machine.
    2Shutdown your application server

    mkdir js-3.1-war-backup

    mv {apache-tomcat}/webapps/jasperserver-pro to {apache-tomcat}/js-3.1-war-backup

    Exporting Your 3.1 Data

    Follow these steps to export your current 3.1 repository data (also known as repository resources) from JasperReports Server. We use the JasperReports Server Export utility which is a java program.

    First configure the export utility for the Oracle database. You will go to your 3.1 installation directory, called: {js-install-3.1}

    1cd {js-install-3.1}/scripts/config

    Edit the js.jdbc.properties file. Set the properties to the following Oracle settings:


    Make sure the following items in bold are correct for your instance:




    Note: You can cut and paste from the following file to avoid typing errors:



    Copy the Oracle database driver to the {js-install-3.1}/scripts/lib directory.

    Copy from one of the following locations:

    • {js-install-3.1}/scripts/drivers/ojdbc14.jar
    • {js-install-3.1}/auto-install-scripts/conf_source/db/oracle/jdbc/ojdbc14-10.2.0.jar

    cp {js-install-3.1}/scripts/drivers/ojdbc14.jar {js-install-3.1}/scripts/lib

    Note: By default, the Oracle driver is already in place {js-install-3.1}/scripts/lib/ojdbc14.jar


    Now, run the export command:

    cd {js-install-3.1}/scripts

    ./js-export.sh --everything --output-zip js-3.1-export.zip

    Downloading the 3.5 WAR File Distribution

    Follow these steps to download the 3.5 WAR File distribution.


    Download the folder: jasperserver-pro-3.5-bin.zip.


    Unzip this file into a convenient location. For instance:

    cd /home/username

    unzip jasperserver-pro-3.5-bin.zip
    This location will now be known as: {js-install-3.5} {js-install-3.5}

    Upgrade Steps

    Configuring for Upgrade

    The JasperReports Server download contains a set of scripts known as the “Buildomatic” scripts. These scripts use the Apache Ant tool to automatically configure all the settings you need for Tomcat and Oracle; all that is required is to configure a single property file.

    1Make sure your application server is shutdown.

    Copy sample property file to current directory and rename it to default_master.properties:

    cd /buildomatic

    cp sample_conf/oracle_master.properties default_master.properties


    Edit the default_master.properties file. The settings below are examples, update items in bold to match your settings:

    Note: Be careful to make sure there are no additional spaces at the end of lines.

    Copying js-3.1-export.zip to Buildomatic

    Locate the js-3.1-export.zip that you created in earlier steps, in your new {js-install-3.5} directory for convenience.

    1cd {js-install-3.5}/buildomatic
    2cp {js-install-3.1}/scripts/js-3.1-export.zip

    Upgrading JasperReports Server

    Run the commands to complete the upgrade.

    1cd {js-install-3.5}/buildomatic
    2To drop your JasperReports Server database enter: ./js-ant drop-js-db
    3To recreate your JasperReports Server database enter: ./js-ant create-js-db
    4To add tables to your JasperReports Server database: ./js-ant init-js-db-pro
    5To add minimal repository data enter: ./js-ant import-minimal-for-upgrade

    To load your 3.1 data enter:

    • ./js-ant import-upgrade, OR
    • ./js-ant import-upgrade -DimportFile="{js-install-3.1}/scripts/js-3.1-export.zip (if js-3.1-export.zip is not in the current dir)
    7To complete the upgrade enter: ./js-ant deploy-webapp-pro

    Upgrading Sample Data (Optional)

    Upgrading Sample Data is not required.

    1./js-ant import-sample-data-upgrade-pro (Optional)

    Post-Upgrade Steps

    Logging into JasperReports Server

    Start your application server.

    Before logging in, clear your browser cache. This will remove old, out-of-date javascript files that could cause display issues.

    The default URL for login is the following: http://localhost:8080/jasperserver-pro.

    A new system wide administrative user named superuser is now available to help with administration for creating more than one organization in JasperReports Server

    Login to JasperReports Server using the following logins:

    • Username: superuser
    • Password: superuser
    • Username: jasperadmin
    • Password:

    Note: Change the password of the superuser account to maintain security.


    If you have any errors or other problems with your upgraded JasperReports Server, the following resources can be helpful:

    Written By

    This tutorial was written by Tony Kavanagh, Senior Software Engineer, June 2009

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