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  • Q & A - JasperReports Server (JRS) 7.5 Keystore relating to Export and Import Utilities

    Tom C
    • Features: Exporters, JasperReports Server, Repository Version: v7.5 Product: JasperReports® Server

    This Q & A series will post answers to most frequently asked questions from our commercial users to benefit the entire user community.


    The Questions:

    In TIBCO JasperReports Server Security Guide (https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-security-guide/v7/key-and-keystore-management), it states that "Because the keystore and keys are created during installation, the user account that performs the installation is the owner of the keystore file and holder of the keystore passwords".

    Does it refer to the password in the .jrsksp file? Where can a user get a keystore file when exporting the repository content from JasperReports Server (JRS) 7.5 export web UI in order to import it into another JRS 7.5 instance? The exported zip doesn't contain any key file.


    The Answer:


    The server specific keystore files (.jrsks and .jrsksp) are generated during the JRS installation. The keystore is used to encrypt and decrypt any password stored in the JRS repository database, such as user password, and JDBC connection password, etc. Those keystore files are stored on the server where the default location is the Linux root or Windows user root. Users need to make sure this location has full access to allow read and write permissions for the application server (Tomcat) or it will fail to start with a keystore initialization error. Those two keystore files do not require a password to access their content.



    When running js-export from the command line with the --genkey option, the user will see the generated key sequence in the command line display. User needs to copy that sequence and use it to run the import in another repository instance. The exported repository content file does not contain that secret key sequence or it will defeat the purpose of having a unique key for each and every JRS server instance to avoid hacking. 

    Users can refer to the following customer wiki articles of mine for additional information with more details.



    In JRS 7.5.x, users need to use command line export utility to get the key for the import to use. In the later version of JRS, users should be able to specify which key to use for repository content migration in the Export web UI.


    "Exporting from the Repository"


    Users do not have a similar "genkey" option from the web UI but they can use "Legacy key" instead to fulfill their cross server repository content migration need for post JRS 7.5 version instances. The pre 7.5 JRS does not need a server specific key to migrate its repo content though the export/import process.

    For details about this repository keystore issue, please review TIBCO JasperReports® Server Administrator Guide Software Release 7.5 document CHAPTER 7 "IMPORT AND EXPORT" and related topics in JasperReports Server Security Guide.






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