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  • How to query mongo ISODate data with a parameter


    Issue Description:

    There are multiple ways to use a parameter in your query when using mongo ISODate data formatted like:

    "timestamp" : ISODate("2009-01-14T00:26:04Z")


    • Use the jrxml below to render a query like the following in mongo:

      query test.logs query: {
          cs-bytes: 420, timestamp: {
              $gte: new Date(1006957607188)
      <parameter name="startdate" class="java.util.Date">
      <queryString language="MongoDbQuery">
      collectionName : 'logs',
      limit : 30,
      findQuery : {
      'timestamp' : {'$gte':$P{startdate}}
    • If it is necessary that you pass a function, like the mongo $date function, through the query executor to your database, you can create a java.lang.String parameter and use concatenation to build the single string containing both the $date as well as your date-string:

          <![CDATA["$date: \"" + $P{stringDate} + "\""]]>

      In the above case the $P{stringDate} needs to be a java.lang.String representation of your date in the ISODate format, you can use java api methods to get it formatted correctly.  Something like the following might work with a java.util.Date, userdate, depending on your format:

      <parameter name="stringDate" class="java.lang.String" isForPrompting="false" />
          <![CDATA[new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'").format($P{userdate})]]>

    Ref. Case #00041256

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