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  • How to display images in the documents that are exported to MS Excel

    • Features: Exporters Product: JasperReports® Library

    For rendering graphics in MS Excel you should use this property:


    If you want to show images in documents that should be exported to MS Excel you should set this property to false.

    You can read more about this property in the JasperReports Configuration reference:


    To define this property in one particular jrxml report you should add to the report’s properties the entry:


    If you would like to apply this adjustment to all resources in JasperReports Server (simple jrxml reports, AdHoc based reports, AdHoc Views), the same property should be added to the configuration file,  jasperserver-proWEB-INFapplicationContext.xml.

    Below I quote a snippet that is related to the XLS exporter configuration:

    <!--export parameters-->
    <bean id="xlsExportParameters"
        <property name="detectCellType"                 value="true"/>
        <property name="onePagePerSheet"                value="false"/>
        <property name="removeEmptySpaceBetweenRows"    value="true"/>
        <property name="removeEmptySpaceBetweenColumns" value="true"/>
        <property name="whitePageBackground"            value="false"/>
        <!-- property name="ignoreGraphics"              value="true"/ -->
        <property name="ignoreGraphics"                 value="false"/>
        <property name="collapseRowSpan"                value="true"/>
        <property name="ignoreCellBorder"               value="true"/>
        <property name="fontSizeFixEnabled"             value="true"/>
        <property name="maximumRowsPerSheet"            value="0"/>
        <property name="xlsFormatPatternsMap"           ref="formatPatternsMap"/>

    Please also refer to the screenshot that shows this adjustment:


    The application server should be restarted to apply the changes that have been done.


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