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  • How to build an unsigned iOS app (ipa file) for JasperMobile

    • Product: JasperMobile for iOS


    In this article we will show how to build TIBCO JasperMobile™ for iOS from its source code and also how to create an unsigned ipa file for deployment to enterprise app stores, such as those using Good Technology or BlackBerry Enterprise Server.

    The source code of JasperMobile for iOS is available on GitHub (no longer available as of 6.4).

    The steps below have been tested on Mac OS X Yosemite (10.10.5).

    Preparing the environment

    You will need to have a recent version of Xcode and cocoapods version 0.38.2. The latter requirement is due to an issue that might be removed in future, please see the related Issues on the GitHub wiki.

    You can install Xcode from the Mac App Store.

    You can install cocoapods from the command line:

    $ sudo gem install cocoapods -v 0.38.2
    $ pod setup

    Building from source

    First, check out the code via git (stable release 2.2 in this example, the latest at the time of writing), then install the pods, create an app archive, then the unsigned ipa file:

    $ git clone --branch 2.2 --recursive https://github.com/Jaspersoft/js-ios-app.git
    $ cd js-ios-app

    The sed command itself is not required if you use the latest develop (development) branch of the source repository, instead of 2.2. All other commands are required:

    $ sed -i -e 's/installer_representation.project./installer_representation.pods_project./' Podfile
    $ pod install
    $ export projectname="TIBCO JasperMobile" ; export schemename=$projectname
    $ xcodebuild archive -workspace "$projectname".xcworkspace -scheme "$schemename" -archivePath "$projectname".xcarchive
    $ xcodebuild -exportArchive -exportFormat ipa -archivePath "$projectname".xcarchive -exportPath "$projectname".ipa[...]
    Moving exported product to '/Users/user/Documents/Source/js-ios-app/TIBCO JasperMobile.ipa'

    Feel free to report any issues to the GitHub issue tracker.

    Customizing the app

    Here's a sample customization of the app to display your own company logo ... [COMING SOON].

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