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Changes to the Jaspersoft community edition download ×
  • Caching issues related to ehcache and ehcache-hibernate



    If you have multiple JasperServer instances running on the same server each instance may be sharing the same cache files. This can cause unpredictable behavior. The caches will normally on Windows be here:


    in the folders 'ehcache' and 'ehcache-hibernate'.


    The caches can be made non-persistent by editing the two xml files listed below. It is unlikely that there will be a noticeable performance impact by making these changes.

    Edit .../WEB-INF/ehcache.xml and .../WEB-INF/classes/ehcache-hibernate.xml and change all diskPersistent attributes to false. There is one out of three in ehcache that is currently set to true while both are set to true in ehcache-hibernate.xml.

    Ref. Case #00022642 -- 21:47, 28 December 2011 (UTC)


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