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Call multiple stored procedures in Studio


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Yes, you can but as either multiple DataSets or as a subreport.

When you create a DataSet the wizard is simple and doesn't allow you to specify the query language.  You can either create an empty one or add a temporary SQL in the wizard.

DataSet Wizard:

Once the bonus DataSet is created you can edit it and specify the plsql SQL language and update the text to the procedure call.

If you are going to use the multiple dataset route then you can use a List, Table, or CrossTab to present your data for each stored procedure.

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Thank you!

Is there also a way to use both datasets in the same report then? When I try to pull the field from the additional dataset to the report studio just says:

Our goal is to have the column headers from the main dataset and the column content from the additional dataset or the other way around. 


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