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  1. Thanks but that's just a standard order by, which I already have in my query.
  2. Hi, I could use some help regarding following issue; I need to replicate following design. So items are grouped by data type and ordered ascending by date component while print order is: fill left column then right column. In my report I've set 2 column layout with horizontal print order and I got following design: So it prints first item in left column, second in right, third in left etc. If I set print order to be vertical then Jasper will fill left column until end of the page which is not required design. Also, I have tried mathematical approach and sorted data in database so odd dates get order like 1, 3, 5, 7 etc. and even 2, 4, 6, 8 etc. and it worked in case if number of items doesn't exceed one page. In that case design is not ok since Jasper will print all odd dates in left column no matter how much items I got. Anybody got an idea how to solve this? Thanks.
  3. Hi, I could use some help regarding following issue; I need to replicate following design. So items are grouped by data type and ordered ascending by date component while print order is: fill left column then right column. In my report I've set 2 column layout with horizontal print order and I got following design: So it prints first item in left column, second in right, third in left etc. If I set print order to be vertical then Jasper will fill left column until end of the page which is not required design. Also, I have tried mathematical approach and sorted data in database so odd dates get order like 1, 3, 5, 7 etc. and even 2, 4, 6, 8 etc. and it worked in case if number of items doesn't exceed one page. In that case design is not ok since Jasper will print all odd dates in left column no matter how much items I got. Anybody got an idea how to solve this? Thanks.
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