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Lucian Chirita

Jaspersoft Staff
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  1. The DATEFORMAT problem was fixed in JasperReports/Jaspersoft Studio 6.20.0, see the commit. So you'll need to upgrade to a version newer than 6.19.1. Regards, Lucian
  2. A data source object is consumed when used by a report/subreport/part, so you'll need separate objects for the two parts.You can do that by directly passing your list/collection of data objects instead of a JRBeanCollectionDataSource object, and creating fresh JRBeanCollectionDataSource instances from the list of data objects. As in <field name="params" class="java.util.List"/> ... <parameter name="REPORT_DATA_SOURCE"> <expression><![CDATA[new net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data.JRBeanCollectionDataSource($F{params})]]></expression> </parameter> Regards, Lucian
  3. What do you mean by this? The classes that you listed have been removed in JasperReports 7.0 and are not supposed to be part of jasperreports-javaflow-7.0.1.jar. If there is any external code that uses those classes, then it's no compatible with JasperReports 7.0 and it needs to be adapted in order to work.
  4. Can you list all the jars related to JasperReports that you have in your web application? It seems that there's a jar containing a component that's no longer compatible with JasperReports 7.0. Regarding the classes that you listed, where exactly are they used? Regards, Lucian
  5. Make sure you have a jasperreports-charts jar in your application's classpath. Regards, Lucian
  6. Can you check if you have a property called net.sf.jasperreports.compiler.xml.parser.factory defined under Settings/Jaspersoft Studio/Properties? If so, try to remove it. Regards, Lucian
  7. JasperReports 6.21.2 depends on OpenPDF 1.3.32. Remove the itext jar from your application (as it contains the same packages/classes as OpenPDF) and upgrade the openpdf jar to 1.3.32. Regards, Lucian
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