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Scott Andersen

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Posts posted by Scott Andersen

  1. In order to help you I need to know more details on how you are using the components and how the reports are being generated..

    If this is associated with a commercial subscription, I recommend you contact Jaspersoft Production Support.

  2. There are a subset of Excel properties supported by Jaspersoft's Excel exporter. This does not include the properties associated with data validation.

    A list of those properties is found here: https://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/config.reference.html

    You may be able to  create a custom exporter that will implement these properties. You would need to write java code to implement this custom java class. Unbderstand this is a complex extension of Jaspersoft. The links below may be helpful.

    The Excel properties around data validation are discussed here: https://docs.devexpress.com/OfficeFileAPI/DevExpress.Spreadsheet.DataValidation

    JasperReports JAVA API is  here:  https://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/api/index.html

  3. Subreports by default point to the compiled version (*.jasper). Compiling / building the subreport should bring your changes into the master.

    You can also point the Subreport Expression to the "*.jrxml" file, which should trigger the build of the subreport along with the master report. 

  4. Check to see that the chart is placed on either the Title band or the Summary band. If the chart is on the "Detail" band, a chart will be generated for each row that is returned from the main "Dataset and Query". 

  5. Your approach is fairly sound, although you might try checking the report in as an organization based user, which will change the path (removing the organization specific portion of the path.) With the org infor present it may make it so that the report doesn't work for a non-root user.

    From a general strategy pint of view, here is some details on how to use multiple data sources in a report:


    A report in JRS is actually a Report Unit, and a ReportUnit is not designed to use multiple data sources (JasperReports data sources). So if your data does not come from the same database (with which you may still pass the REPORT_CONNECTION to your subdataset) or is using the same JSON (for which you could derive a sub dataset), your best option is using data adapters. Any DatasetRun in JasperReports can run against a data adapter specified as a property.

    You can create a ReportUnit referencing a (JRS) datasource, i.e. FoodMart. This is not mandatory.

    Then, we assume that the chart gets its data from some JSON and the subreport uses an SQL query from a different database.

    A Data Adapter in JRS is an xml resource that is uploaded either manually, or by using JSS.

    The “binding” between a DatasetRun (which is the part of the report that defines how a subdataset gets its data), and the data adapter is configured in Jaspersoft Studio.

    For a subreport, the main dataset will set the property net.sf.jasperreports.data.adapter

    For Charts, Tables etc, it is always about using this property (Studio provides also the UI to specify the data adapter)

    Be sure you point to a proper data adapter, which is a resource, inside your repository, just like you would do when you reference an image.

    Studio will help you also loading these data adapters when the report is published to JRS.


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