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  1. It seems like the minor edit you made to the legacy report might have inadvertently caused the issue with the report title and column names not displaying correctly when exported to various formats. Here are some possible reasons for this problem and steps you can take to resolve it: Check the Edit: Review the edit you made to the report carefully. Ensure that you didn't accidentally delete or modify any sections related to the report title or column headers. Verify Data Source: Double-check the data source and SQL query to ensure that the correct data is being retrieved from the database. If the data is correct but not displaying correctly, the issue might be related to the report's layout or design. Export Settings: Check the export settings within the reporting tool you are using. Some tools allow you to customize the export settings, including which elements should be included in the exported file (e.g., report title, column names). Make sure these settings are configured correctly. Column Headers: If the issue is with the column names not displaying, check if the column headers are still present in the report's design. They might have been inadvertently modified or removed during the edit. Layout and Design: Examine the layout and design of the report to ensure that the report title and column headers are correctly placed and visible. Sometimes, changes to the report's layout can affect the visibility of certain elements. Export Format: If the issue occurs specifically when exporting to a particular format (e.g., PDF, Excel, Doc), try exporting to other formats to see if the problem persists. This can help narrow down whether the issue is specific to a particular format or more widespread. Rollback Changes: If you are unable to identify the specific cause of the issue, consider rolling back the changes to the report to its previous version, when it was functioning correctly. This can help isolate the edit that caused the problem. Check for Updates: If you are using a reporting tool or software, check for updates or patches that might address known issues or bugs.
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