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  1. Hi, I have some trouble to get the resulting report when i launch a call to REST. With postman, il send a GET to this endpoint for logging : http://srv-test:8080/jasperserver/rest_v2/login?j_username=user&j_password=pwd. In Postman, i get a cookie with a JSESSIONID. Next, i launch this POST query to execute a report (same cookie) : http://srv-test:8080/jasperserver/rest_v2/reportExecutions This is the body : <reportExecutionRequest> <reportUnitUri>/reports/interactive/TableReport</reportUnitUri> <async>false</async> <freshData>true</freshData> <saveDataSnapshot>false</saveDataSnapshot> <outputFormat>pdf</outputFormat> <interactive>true</interactive></reportExecutionRequest>I check the headers request to verify if this is the same cookie. It's the same. This is the response : { "status": "ready", "totalPages": 4, "requestId": "6f8ab161-597d-43e8-bc4c-b0f74316b69c", "reportURI": "/reports/interactive/TableReport", "exports": [ { "status": "ready", "outputResource": { "contentType": "application/pdf", "fileName": "TableReport.pdf", "outputFinal": true, "outputTimestamp": 0 }, "id": "36e04925-194f-4032-af92-c3589d9042be" } ]}When i launch the final query (GET) to retrieve the report i get an error. (same cookie in header) http://srv-test:8080/jasperserver/rest_v2/reportExecutions/6f8ab161-597d-43e8-bc4c-b0f74316b69c/exports/36e04925-194f-4032-af92-c3589d9042be/outputResource Error : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?><errorDescriptor> <errorCode>resource.not.found</errorCode> <message>Ressource 36e04925-194f-4032-af92-c3589d9042be introuvable.</message> <parameters> <parameter>36e04925-194f-4032-af92-c3589d9042be</parameter> </parameters></errorDescriptor>I don't understant why i get this error because it's the same cookie for each query... Thanks in advance for reply. Sorry for my poor english.
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