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Posts posted by rhcejas

  1. Hello friends,

    I am trying to build a jasperserver with docker with the repo agois-inc for version 7.8.0: https://github.com/agois-inc/docker-jasperserver-ce

    I have an ubuntu 20, docker version 20.10.2, docker-compose version 1.29.2.

    I am using docker-compose.yml repo's example, but it doesn't work fine. Then I tried to build services one by one. Postgres is ok, but I can not with jasperserver-init.

    I tried too build and run jasperserver-init and it start without any errors. But it never end, it keeps with status "/wait-for-it.sh...".

    I tested network from jasperserver to postgres and it works fine ( ping postgres).

    This my jasperserver-init logs:

    wait-for-it.sh: waiting 300 seconds for postgres:5432
    wait-for-it.sh: postgres:5432 is available after 0 seconds
    Current keystore files in /usr/local/share/jasperserver/keystore
    Getting ready to init
    Buildfile: /usr/src/jasperreports-server/buildomatic/build.xml
    [propertyfile] Creating new property file: /usr/src/jasperreports-server/buildomatic/keystore.init.properties
    [exec] Execute failed: java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "git": error=2, No such file or directory
    [echo] Back-End version: ${git.currentBranchName}-SNAPSHOT
    [echo] Front-End version: ${git.currentBranchName}-SNAPSHOT
    [echo] creating /usr/src/jasperreports-server/buildomatic/build_conf/default
    [mkdir] Created dir: /usr/src/jasperreports-server/buildomatic/build_conf/default
    [copy] Copying 1 file to /usr/src/jasperreports-server/buildomatic/build_conf/default
    [copy] Copying 1 file to /usr/src/jasperreports-server/buildomatic/build_conf/default
    [copy] Copying 1 file to /usr/src/jasperreports-server/buildomatic/build_conf/default
    [copy] Copying 1 file to /usr/src/jasperreports-server/buildomatic/build_conf/default
    [copy] Copying 1 file to /usr/src/jasperreports-server/buildomatic/build_conf/default
    [copy] Copying 30 files to /usr/src/jasperreports-server/buildomatic/build_conf/default
    [copy] Copying 1 file to /usr/src/jasperreports-server/buildomatic
    [copy] Copying 1 file to /usr/src/jasperreports-server/buildomatic/build_conf/default/webapp/WEB-INF
    [copy] Copying 1 file to /usr/src/jasperreports-server/buildomatic/build_conf/default
    [copy] Copying 1 file to /usr/src/jasperreports-server/buildomatic/build_conf/default/webapp/WEB-INF/classes
    [copy] Warning: Could not find file /usr/src/jasperreports-server/buildomatic/conf_source/templates/keystore-configuration.xml to copy.
    [echo] Maven settings: /usr/src/jasperreports-server/buildomatic/build_conf/default/maven_settings.xml
    [echo] Checking DBMS host and port:
    [echo] About to validate port: postgres:5432
    [echo] Port 5432 is OK
    [echo] Done validating port: postgres:5432
    [echo] Validating administrative database connection at jdbc:postgresql://postgres:5432/postgres. Phase: [test]

    /usr/src/jasperreports-server/buildomatic/bin/validation.xml:493: The following error occurred while executing this line:
    /usr/src/jasperreports-server/buildomatic/bin/validation.xml:374: The following error occurred while executing this line:
    /usr/src/jasperreports-server/buildomatic/conf_source/db/postgresql/db.xml:50: The following error occurred while executing this line:
    /usr/src/jasperreports-server/buildomatic/bin/app-server.xml:60: /usr/src/jasperreports-server/buildomatic/bin/app-server.xml:60: Error invoking getDriver() method

    Total time: 3 seconds

    Failing! ##### Saw 0 OK connections to postgresql on host postgres. Expected at least 1.

    Thank you

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