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Posts posted by James.Rogowski1

  1. I have data where the SQL join is a 1 to many relationship.   The report output format looks like the first 2 sections below.  My users want to download the report into Excel to do analysis and want all the data for each data record to be in separate columns like my "Desired Output" below.   I have tried using crosstab but was not successful.  Is there a way to accomplish this?


    First RecordDataField1DataField2DataField3DataField4DataJoin1tagDataJoin1Field1DataJoin1Field2DataJoin1Field3     
    Second RecordDataField1DataField2DataField3DataField4DataJoin1tagDataJoin1Field1DataJoin1Field2DataJoin1Field3     
    Desired Output:            
    First RecordDataField1DataField2DataField3DataField4DataJoin1tagTag1 Field1Tag1 Field2Tag1 Field3Tag2 Field1Tag2 Field2Tag2 Field3Tag3 Field1etc


  2. Hi,  I'm a new user of Studio Professional and I'm trying to create a new template for my organization to use.   The report will be limited to 1 "row" of data each time it is run.  But I want the "row" of data to be a column like below.  When I change the layout to Verticle,   the data shows in a column,  but not the field labels.  This is what I need:

    Static text 1:    Data field 1

    Static text 2:    Data field 2

    Static text 3:    Data field 3

    continuing for about 20-25 data fields.

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