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Posts posted by tblalock34gmail.com

  1. You can wrap your original sql statment in an in line view and create a type sort column for your sections to keep them in the right order.  Something like this...select * from (SELECT "ASSETS & INVESTMENTS" , "Monetary Assets", 5 type_sort, ma.created_by_id, ma.monetary_asset_name, ma.monetary_asset_type , ma.monetary_asset_value Asset_Value, ma.monetary_statement_date FROM forge.monetary_assets AS maWHERE ma.created_by_id =  $P{user_id}  AND ma.monetary_ownership_type = 'Yours' UNION ALLSELECT "ASSETS & INVESTMENTS", "Investments", 10 type_sort il.created_by_id,  il.investment_name, ia.investment_account_type, il.investment_sale_price_fmv Asset_Value, ia.investment_last_statement_date FROM forge.investment_line_items AS ilJOIN forge.investment_accounts AS iaON ia.id = il.investment_institution_name_idWHERE il.created_by_id =  $P{user_id}  AND ia.investment_ownership = 'Yours' 

    ) r

    order by type_sort, Asset_Value desc



  2. We are currently working on an upgrade from 6.3 to 7.8 and we are having an issue exporting report that contain a HTML (highchart) component. In 6.3, we were able to export reports into PDF and Excel using the following code:


    String strReportName = strReportDir + "test_report.jrxml";

    System.out.println("strReportName= " + strReportName);

    JasperReport jasperReport = JasperCompileManager.compileReport(strReportName);

    JasperPrint jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(jasperReport, reportParameter, connection);




    Using java 8, we are getting this error when trying to export a report with a HTML5 chart:


    Caused by: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRRuntimeException: Chrome and/or PhantomJS not properly configured for server side rendering


    I know there are references to Chromium in the server install guide. Do I need Chromium to export from a standard java app (non web)? Are there additional properties that need to be included in the jasperreports.properties file to make this work.


    Thanks in advance for your help.

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