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Sad H

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Everything posted by Sad H

  1. as i have understood your question you goto report properties and Controls & Resources -> tick mark Always prompt
  2. Dear, you should control it from your application not from jasper.
  3. you can not create a static list of your customers, you can only prompt for the insertion of parameter.
  4. go to textfield properties Do this to all you fields, Position Type: Fix Relative To Top StrechType : Relative To Tallest Object tick mark Strech with overflow
  5. Its not a prevoius version issue, its some sending and getting null in query or paramters, if you share details i could help you little better.
  6. You should change it from DB level its possible give space in DB feilds.
  7. On the left side you see an arrow it will bring up the parameters pop up if you have marked parameters in pop-up.
  8. you can create globelTotal and use result it in details at same time, i don't think its a problem. or i have indecent solution for you which is to create subreport and in subreport just perform globelTotal claculation and call it in main report where you want to.
  9. Create a variable global Total integer or float type make calculation = none and put expression (TotalValueDay / Global Total ) * 100) in it, change both variable types to integer or float and call global Total , it will work.
  10. If you want to do whole report blank when no data, you can do it by goto report properties "When no Data Type" drop down select Balnk Pages from options.
  11. jgust, is right you can change name of field from backend, however you can change the type of field from reporting tool.
  12. try the solution below and if you want 1/1/70 this format remove h:mm a from format at the end.
  13. IE does not support most of open source components properly, try using Chrome, Opera, Firefox.
  14. I am using jasper server for reports to call in java based application, i need to set each report's version so that if someone updates the report it changes the version number autometicaly, is there any method? PS: I am already using version control which is not useful in my case. Thanks.
  15. Try using Jasper Studio latest version instead of ireport, it has lot of updated classes. Try this solution. https://community.jaspersoft.com/ireport-designer/issues/1149-0
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