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Al Bundy

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Posts posted by Al Bundy

  1. I had this problem too with one local Project: Adapters not showing up in Studio Prieview (only "Don't use any Data-Adapter")
    after some playing arround in the Project Explorer

    - changing the "Report Repository Type" of one of my local Project-Folders (Rightclick Context Menu of Pr.-Folder in Project Explorer) to "JasperReports Server"

    - changing back to default: "Reset To Parent"


    If you ever encounter another common adapter problem in studio preview:
    - adapter is showing up in preview drop down menu but it is automaticaly switching back to "Don't use any Data-Adapter" when Running the Report

    Cause 1:
    - you may deleted this Report-Property in Report-JRXML: <property name="com.jaspersoft.studio.data.defaultdataadapter" value=""/>

    Cause 2:
    - you may deleted only the empty-string value of this Report-Property in Report-JRXML like so: <property name="com.jaspersoft.studio.data.defaultdataadapter"/>

    Cause 3:
    - some Co-Worker may changed the value to his local Adapter-Name in Report-JRXML: <property name="com.jaspersoft.studio.data.defaultdataadapter" value="not your adaptername">

    if you write one of your adapters into com.jaspersoft.studio.data.defaultdataadapter you cannot choose another adapter in studio-preview anymore (keeps switching back to com.jaspersoft.studio.data.defaultdataadapter)

  2. Hello,

    after updating from 6.3 to 7.5 I had exactly the same problem. I was also experiencing this problem with not mandatory cascaded single-select input controls. There is a hotfix patch (the latest from 7.5.0 version) in the Support Portal for registered users. That has fixed it for me. For 7.8 the support mentioned to install the hotfix patches for that version too.

    Best regards

  3. Hello,

    after updating Jasper Report Server 6.3 commercial to 7.5 commercial, we are encountering issues with cascading single input controls. Its even the same problem for web-service filled input control as for sql-query filled ic.

    There is following ic setup for a report:

    1. First not mandatory Single Input Control can alter the set of a second single input control
    2. Second mandatory Single Input Control can alter the set of a third single input control
    3. Third not mandatory Single Input Control is not working correctly in the end.

    That is affected by the following actions:

    1. User changes value of first ic
    2. Mandatory Value of second ic then changes automaticaly
        -> therefor not mandatory third ic is resetting its default/last to ~NULL~ (and provides other values too)
    3. User changes value of the second ic
    4. User changes value of third ic from default ~NULL~ to some value
    5. User hits the RUN Button

    As result in the report:
    the parameter provided by the third ic is NULL but it should be the user defined value from step 4

    As we experimenting with value changes to the third ic from step 4 onwards, we had then this experience:

    4. User changes value of third ic from default ~NULL~ to some value X
    5. User changes value of third ic from X to a random other value from the set
    6. User changes value of third ic back to X
    7. User hits the RUN Button

    As result in the report:
    the parameter provided by the third ic is X.

    This issue is critical to our productive environment, can anybody explain please? Is it an actionModel-Issue?

    Thanks for reading.

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