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Posts posted by Sandeep.cheekati289

  1. Hi,

    I am using jasperreports 6.11.

    I have used swap virtualizer to avoid out of memory issues 

    When I am generating a report, CPU utilization reaches to 145 to 170%

    While writing to swap and writing back to tmp directory.

    . If I generate the report paralelly 4 to 7 times, then it reaches to 480 to 600% cpu usage.  Can anyone plz help how to reduce this cpu usage

  2. Hi,

    I am generating an excel report with around 1 lac records equal to 31 Mb.

    Swap File virtualizer generates around 156 Mb which is equal to 5 times the actual report downloaded.

    And after swap File writing is completed, it copies to tmp directory with file name like file.os........tmp. this tmp file size is around 420 Mb, which is around 2.8 times the swap File size.

    Why the swap File and tmp file sizes are more compared to actual downloaded file? Can anyone answer plz?

    By the way, I am using jasperreports 6.11

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