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Posts posted by Swejas

  1. Hi,

    Each entry from the xml datasource should automatically incremented and printed in the pdf. I am having main reports and sub report implemented.

    I tried using inbuilt variable of REPORT_COUNT, PAGE_COUNT & COLUMN_COUNT to increment automatically for each item from the xml datasource, but the value remains same as "1" for all the entries it is not incrementing the counter sequentially based on the items from xml datasource fetched.

    I send the REPORT_COUNT variable to subreport as param, In my subreport I need to display.

    Can anyone help me with this scenario, how to increment and print the counter accordingly for all the entries from the xml datasource? 


  2. Hi, 

    Thank You A3an, I used same as you suggested. When I give the https  image which you provided for sample in my jrxml image is displayed in the pdf. But my filepath which i am reading from the path is throwing Byte Data Not Found at  https://servername/filepath/xxx.jpg. error is thrown. Do you have any idea about this? Whether any security issue or image is not accessibile from that path?

    Thanks in advance

  3. Hi, 

    Thank You A3an, I used same as you suggested. When I give the https  image which you provided for sample in my jrxml image is displayed in the pdf. But my filepath which i am reading from the path is throwing Byte Data Not Found at  https://servername/filepath/xxx.jpg. error is thrown. Do you have any idea about this? Whether any security issue or image is not accessibile from that path?

    Thanks in advance

  4. Hi,

    I am trying to display the image in the pdf report using jasper library using <imageexpression>.

    <image scaleImage="RetainShape" onErrorType="Blank">

    Image URL is fetched from other server file location, below is the two scenarios:

    1. First case my image is in $P{XYZ}-http://servername/filepath/xxx.jpg.

    This image which is in http location fetched and displayed in the pdf properly.

    2. But in the other case same image is accessed using $P{XYZ}- https://servername/filepath/xxx.jpg. 

    In the case 2, image is not displayed in the pdf report while generating.

    Can anyone help me out with this issue why is it happening and how to retrieve from the https url and display in the pdf. 

  5. Hi,

    I need to display the images in the pdf. The file size of the image is 1.5 MB and 300 dpi resolution.

    When I compressed the file size in Kilobytes it works fine and displayed properly in pdf.

    I have used

    <image scaleImage="RetainShape">




    My query is whether the file size of the image we try to access should be less than 1MB or any specific limit is there to display while generating pdf in jasper?

    Please any one let me know if you have solution.

    Thank You.


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