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Posts posted by cameron.urquhart_1

  1. Hi,

    Currently I have a number of graphs, and I am basing these off a report made using different software. Along the bottom I have dates (which are actually stored as strings) however I am showing a range  of three months, meaning there's about 90 dates along the bottom, and they're very overlapped and unreadable. Is there a way to stagger which ones are displayed?

    I tried implementing this bit of XML: "<property name="net.sf.jasperreports.chart.range.axis.tick.interval" value="1"/>" which seems to be the most common answer online for how to approach this, however when I include this, for any number put in the 'value' section, my x-axis remains the same, and the values on my y-axis dissapears completely.

    If anyone has any idea how to approach this it would be much appreciated.

    Kind Regards,


  2. Hi C-Box

    It's not an actual table, it's text fields and labels. I've found a sort of solution wherein I overlay the static text field in the main report over the subreport where it should appear, this works in this circumstance as I know what the size will be (4 records), but do you know if there's a better approach (or if it's even possible to do without an actual table element)?


    Many thanks,


  3. Hi folks,

    I'm currently designing a report with a table. This report is replacing another from a different platform, and as such must be identical.

    I have a label that sits at the left of my table that I need to stretch to the size of the report, like this:

    [side Label] [Data Item] [Data Item]

    [side Label] [Data Item] [Data Item]

    [side Label] [Data Item] [Data Item]
    What I ideally need is for the 'side label' to be one continous cell, while the others remain as individuals. Is there any good way to approach this? I tried changing some stretch settings but I'm not too familiar with Jasper and cannot get it to work in the way I'd like.


    Many Thanks


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