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Posts posted by iggythedog91

  1. Hello guys !

    I have a report with 3 subreports (no footer inside)  and one footer.

    When I display it in jasper server, I can only show the footer in the first page.

    Is there a method to print my footer on all the pages, or is it impossible when using multiple subreports ?

    footer_1st_page.png.8964a32e84755838f93319c9364c3944.png -> no_footer_after.png.9dc1e2b87d6d1adf2cc67ef439d5f1c0.png

    Thanks for help !

  2. Hello everyone !

    I would like to know if it was possible to have a restrict Date input control, for example if I have two params (start_date and end_date), how can I fogive a user to set an end date earlier than the start date.

    Is it possible to do so ? 


  3. Hello everyone,

    I followed a jaspersoft tutorial to create a TIBCO map 

    (youtube video : 

    (website with ressources : https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/how-generate-map-data-postgis-or-shapefiles-use-reports)

    and when I want to preview the map, this error message appears : 

    "Byte data not found at: https://maps.google.com/maps/api/staticmap?center=37.0,0.0&size=560x360&zoom=8&sensor=false"

    When I replace "staticmap" by "js", I have data in my browser. (as mentioned here https://community.jaspersoft.com/jasperreports-server/issues/9886)

    So I was wondering if  it was possible to change the URL used by the TIBCO map element or if there was an another way to render TIBCO maps.

    Best regards.

  4. Hello everyone !

    I have a report with dates parameters (java.util.date) and I can't pass them as arguments by URL.

    When I searched for a solution, I found that some people made it by passing dates with this format "yyyyMMddHHmmss", but when I try to do so, I haven't got the good date : 

    /sites/default/files/user_uploads/iggythedog91/2019-10-24_14h32_54.png -> 2019-10-24_14h33_00.png.6542f81363fb0f22d48b1609c49ffe0e.png

    Is there a way to pass a Date parameter by URL ? (not with a string parameter converted to a date inside the query)

    Thanks in advance for your time !



  5. Hi everyone,

    I have created a report template and it works fine, but I wonder if it is possible to have a default datasource / query at the creation of the report.

    /sites/default/files/user_uploads/iggythedog91/2019-10-22_11h46_03.png -> /sites/default/files/user_uploads/iggythedog91/2019-10-22_11h46_32.png

    Is it possible to do so in your opinion ?

    Thanks in advance for your answers !

  6. Hello everyone ! 

    I don't know if it's normal but when I want to use a chart customizer for a barchart, several options are displayed : 


    But when I want to do the same thing for a piechart, I can only use "User defined customizer" :


    Is it possible to have several options of chart customizers for a piechart ?

  7. Hello everyone,

    I created a report in jaspersoft and when I exported it in XLS with Jaspersoft studio everything was well rendered : 


    After this export, I published it to the JasperReports Server but when I exported in Excel format, many things were missing (my chart, some data of the detail band, my image, ...) :


    Is it possible to have a good Excel export with the JasperReports Server ?

    Best regards.

  8. Hello everybody,

    I just started to test the Jaspersoft BI Pro suite and I don't know why but it seems that I can't sort my measure in my AdHoc view : 

    Measure sorted (growing) : 


    Measure sorted (decreasing) :


    Am I doing something wrong and if so how can I sort my measure in the AdHoc view ?

    I can provide more screenshots if necessary, thanks for helping me guys !

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