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Posts posted by jaspersoft_198

  1. I'm a little confused by the positioning elements in Jasper Studio. I have a report that contains two tables.

    Table 1 has a position "Relative to Top" which is fine.

    Table 2 also has a position "Relative to Top" but this only works if the Table 1 contains a certain number of rows or less. If it goes over that number the bottom of table 1 overlaps with the top of table 2.

    What I would really like to do is have Table 2 be positioned relative to the end of table 1. But I don't see any option to do that.

    It really ought to be possible to have objects flow down a page but I cannot see how to achieve it.

    Any ideas please?




  2. Hi - I'm pretty new to Jasper Reports but I have been testing a few ideas out with it. Ideally I want to be able to input a JSON file (generated from another system) and create a report based on that file that is then output as a PDF.

    I have manually added a JSON file (renamed as XML extension) and then created a data source from it. I can then build a report using the data in  the JSON file.

    What I haven't yet figured out is how to automate this process if there are large numbers of these files being generated.

    For example can I set it up somehow so that I pump on the JSON files using an API and that automatically triggers the report to run and generate a PDF and send it somewhere (either a directory or via email etc.)

    Any tips would be much appreciated.





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