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Posts posted by zain.nabi

  1. How do I print 5 pages. It renders sometimes a full month or even 4 days when i try the following dates and disregards the actual date range. The query is linked to Jasper and passes a date range as parameters


    Actual Query

    select e.employee_id,
           e.initials || ' ' || regexp_replace(e.surname, '([^()]*)', '') farm_manager,
           dr.attendance_date attendance_date
      from research_station r
      join employees e
        on (e.employee_id = r.farm_manager)
    cross join (select ($P{Date_from} + rownum - 1) attendance_date
                   from dual
                 connect by level <= ($P{Date_from} - sysdate + 1)) dr
      join employee_jobs ej
        on (e.employee_id = ej.employee_id)
    where r.research_station_id = $P{Research_Station_id}

    What I have tried:

    Test Query

    select e.employee_id,       e.initials || ' ' || regexp_replace(e.surname, '([^()]*)', '') farm_manager,       r.research_station_id,       r.name,       dr.attendance_date attendance_date  from research_station r  join employees e on (e.employee_id = r.farm_manager) cross join (select (to_date('16032020','DDMMYYYY') + rownum - 1) attendance_date from dual  connect by level <= to_date('20032020','DDMMYYYY') - sysdate + 1) dr  join employee_jobs ej on (e.employee_id = ej.employee_id) where r.research_station_id = 2;[/code]
  2. I currently have a chart with 27 bars 1displayed horizontally. I would like to set at least foreach bar a width of 1cm. I have tried many functions of the Barrenderer class e.g. setItemMargin() and setMaximumBarWidth() also in conjunction.

    Currenly  the bars are being displayed as "very thin lines". How do I solve this situtation.

    Please note that images are protected and for security reasons are saved on a file server. Please find link below:




    Thank you

    Kind regards


  3. I have created a bar chart using Jasper Studio. The bars currently are thin and and all have a different colour. How do I set each bar to a width of 1cm and all the same colour. Please view current image of the graph. Also herewith is my customizer class in which I created in Eclipse:

    package Customizer

    import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart;

    import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRChart;

    import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRChartCustomizer;

    public class CustomLegendList implements JRChartCustomizer


    public void customize(JFreeChart chart, JRChart jrChart)


    CategoryPlot cplot = (CategoryPlot)chart.getPlot(); cplot.setBackgroundPaint(SystemColor.inactiveCaption);//change background color //set bar chart color ((BarRenderer)cplot.getRenderer()).setBarPainter(new StandardBarPainter());

    BarRenderer r = (BarRenderer)chart.getCategoryPlot().getRenderer();

    r.setSeriesPaint(0, Color.blue);




  4. I have  TextFields that displays a list of zones and stations i n a grid layout. The zones col has a list of zone names and station avg's. The stations col has a station name and station avg. A zone has many stations and not all stations has a avg.

    How do I select one zone and display all stations that has readings only. I am using sql to create the query.


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