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Posts posted by pavlossopikis

  1. Hi all, 
    I have created a report in Studio and I am facing the following issue:
    My fields are Scan date and event and they are grouped by a tour id.
    every tour id starts with an event that has value of "START" and ends with an Event that has a value of "FINISH". Every one of those events has its own Scan Date.

    I want to calcuelate under every tour id the time difference from the "START" Event to the "FINISH" event (so i can see the duration of the tour).

    Can someone please help?

    Thank you very much in advance

  2. I have a crosstab that displays a difference between 2 dates (i use rangehours) and i get a bigdecimal type of result, like 5,2 hours.

    Is it possible to change the format to something like: 5:15 ? (instead of a number to get an expression that displays the hours and minutes)


  3. Hello all,
    Has anyone encountered the need to display various fields from a domain to the report template?
    For example, i have created a template for my clients and i want to display the client name (which is a field in my domain)
    according to the client that uses it.
    Is there a way to connect the template with the domain dataset so i can display such fields?


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