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Posts posted by michael.melisek

  1. Hi, 

    I have a report with a group and a list inside that group. In order to show subcategories i use one field on the list with "print repeated values" unchecked so that it only appears once. (a subtitle design set so it does not appear when null).

    This works great however, if the list goes beyond one page, then on the next page i would like the last value to re-appear.

    I have my group header occupied with group header information and it appears on every page. 

    Subcategories usually only take a few lines so it is not good to print them inside the group header. (only need the group header once per page)


    Is there a way i can set the field to re-appear once if theres a page break?


  2. Hi,

    you perfectly answered what i needed to know.

    When i created a group, i only pressed on the required field containing the types and thats it. No need for any expression.

    Then i created a parameter in the subreport and linked it to the same field. I also use the same parameter in the subreport select.

    The subreport now prints for every type in the main select, without the need of print when expressions. The key is to place it in the group.

    It also works with tables and lists so i might be able to find a different solution than a subreport.


  3. Hi, 

    I would like to create a report which contains some header information and three tables under it, each of which contains a list of a different group or articles. i will call those A B and C.

    I have been able to create a report with a single subreport showing only group A however, i cant wrap my head around how i could create it for all three.

    The tables will have the exact same design so i wouldnt like to copy them and create new subreports.

    If possible i would like to use the same report three times and just pass a different parameter for A B and C output (i can design the query in such way that it uses this parameter)

    One of my requirements is that if the list of articles does not contain some groups (for example C) then that group will not be printed and will not leave any empty space (only lists of group A and B will be printed)

    Currently the subreport is in the detail band, so that for every article i get a row.

    My questions are:

    Is it possible to use a single parameter three times with different value each time? (How would i set it up, pass the parameters, can i define them somewhere for a single report?..)

    How do i place the same subreport three times in the master report? (Should i use three detail bands? single detail band with some print settings so that it prints it for each value of the parameters?..)

    Is there maybe some better way i have not though of?


    I was not able to find the solution for this so far. I am a beginner, please be patient with your explanations.

    Thank you for your help.


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