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Posts posted by er.navneetverma

  1. In the Jasperserver, I am selecting date in format DD/MM/YYYY using Input control of type DATE, but when I tried printing that date on my report, it comes in M/D/YY HH:MI:aaaa format and giving error when passed to database.

    I want o change the format of date passed to database. I want it in DD/MM/YYYY format only.


  2. In the Jasperserver, I am selecting date in format DD/MM/YYYY using Input control of type DATE, but when I tried printing that date on my report, it comes in M/D/YY HH:MI:aaaa format and giving error when passed to database.

    I want o change the format of date passed to database. I want it in DD/MM/YYYY format only.



  3. Hello Everyone,


    I am ussing a date Input control and passing it to a database procedure. It is throwing ORA error ORA-01858: a non-numeric character was found where a numeric was expected, on investigation I found that the date I which I selected using calender in form of DD/MM/YYYY is passing as M/D/YY HH:MI:aaaa (4/1/19 12:00 AM ), I have tried changing jasperserver_config file under jaspersoft-server-windowswebappsjasperserver-proWEB-INFbundles, It changes the format of calender selected date but it is still passing date in  M/D/YY HH:MI:aaaa format in database. 


    Please help.



  4. Hello Everyone,

    I have installed a Jasper server on EC2 instance. When i try to login the local host URL(http://localhost:8080/jasperserver-pro/login.html) with super user credentials it let me login but then if i click anywhere it redirects me to https://localhost:8443/jasperserver-pro/externallogin.html and lands into an Error page.

    In jasper.properties file, I have setup jasper.http.redirect=false, but still its redirecting. If i dsable the SSO, my jasper server is not starting.

    Please help with this.

    Thanks in Advance


  5. Hi Everyone,

    I need to convert below crystal report formula in Jasper Studio. Please help.


    dim ary() as string, formatOK as boolean
    formatOK = true
    ary = split({?dte_book_dt}, "/")
    if ubound(ary) <> 3 then
        formatOK = false
    elseif not(isnumeric(ary(1)) and isnumeric(ary(2)) and isnumeric(ary(3))) then
        formatOK = false
    end if
    if formatOK = true then
        if {?dte_book_dt} = "" or isnull({?dte_book_dt}) then 
            formula = ""
            formula = totext(datevalue(tonumber(ary(3)),tonumber(ary(2)),tonumber(ary(1))),"dd-MMM-yyyy")
        end if
        formula = "Date Format should be in DD/MM/YYYY"
    end if





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