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  1. i am getting an error org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring when running jaspersoft studio Professional 7.2 but it runs on adminstrator user, please help
  2. hi, I am creating a drill down report contains dynamic hyperlink javascript:void(window.open("link for a report") , it works when running on Jasperserver alone but when added to Dashboard the link doesnt work anymore. the field : <textFieldExpression><![CDATA[$F{customers}]]></textFieldExpression><hyperlinkReferenceExpression> <![CDATA["javascript:void(window.open('http://localhost:8080/jasperserver/flow.html?_flowId=viewReportFlow&hasCSV=true&standAlone=true&ParentFolderUri=/public/Samples/Reports&reportUnit=/public/Samples/Reports/ClientsOffice&output=pdf&decorate=no&scrollbars=yes&resizable=yes&status=no&toolbar=no&menubar=no&location=no&fullscreen=no&directories=no','subreport','height=500,width=400, left=200, top=100'))"]]></hyperlinkReferenceExpression><hyperlinkTooltipExpression><![CDATA[msg("Actives in Offices")]]></hyperlinkTooltipExpression>[/code]thank you,
  3. hi, I need to create a report on Jaspersoft that displays randomly for example 6% of clients and from this 6 %, I need 25% female and 30%male. please help.
  4. dears, We are trying to get started with the map component in jasperstudiopro. So far we managed to import part of our points and see them on the map. We need to know if (and if yes, how) it is possible to define marker properties based on data fields. e.g. define symbol size by number of clients; define symbol color by % of female clients; use data based pie charts as markers. Is there a drill down function available? Is it possible to display feature information window, on click on map marker? From the online documentation we understand, there should be a choice of default markers available. there are none, what can be the problem?
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