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Posts posted by rdevries

  1. After migrating from Jasperserver 6.3.0 to 6.4.2, reports that were previously many pages of results are now only displaying a single page.  When looking at the SQL being run on the database that is generating this report, I also noticed in 6.3.0 it is doing a select top 200001, where in 6.4.2 it only does a select top 1000.  Regardless, more results are returned by the SQL query than are displayed in the report.

    After some further testing, it seems like the reports are only pulling 15 rows of sample data.  When I look at the view the report references, it also shows 15 rows when the drop down is set to "Sample Data".  When I set it to "Full Data", the view pulls many more rows.  However, if I save the view set to "Full Data", the report changes to only displaying a single row.

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