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  1. You need an increment type defined for RecNo, which would be "Page". Also, I don't think you need PHControl. On the first page, RecNo is set to zero. On the second page it is set to 1, and on the third it is 2...etc. When group resets, it becomes zero again (first page for new group). However, if you are tying to do something else, please clarify your question.
  2. I've had to add a subquery to my main report query for each subreport/list/table/chart. Basically, the subquery returns true/false for whether there would be records to be shown in my subreport. Just use the resulting field value in the Print when Expression.
  3. I haven't used iReport, but have you tried transferring the XML from iReport to Jasper Studio? Create a dummy report in Jasper Studio (just run through wizard, create a report using A4 page with empty source, click finish), and then copy the XML from iReport and paste it into the "Source" tab XML for Jasper Studio.
  4. You can add it in the SQL query using a parameter variable. https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jaspersoft-studio-user-guide/v60/using-parameters-queries
  5. For example, if you have a text field in the data, add a parameter for the report that selects all rows with the text field between two values. For example, run the report for values between "A" and "N", and then run the report again for values between "N" and "ZZZZZ". You might want to upper case the field as well to avoid case-sensitivity.
  6. Actually, such a feature does exist; I wasn't aware of this. I'm using Jasper Reports 6.3.1, which has under the "Text Field" tab, Pattern Expression, which should work for you, if it works in iReport as well. <textField pattern=""> <reportElement x="488" y="16" width="55" height="11" uuid="c9bec2c3-9138-4830-bd39-7a84cbf1ca1e"> <property name="com.jaspersoft.studio.unit.height" value="pixel"/> <property name="com.jaspersoft.studio.unit.y" value="pixel"/> </reportElement> <textElement textAlignment="Left"> <font fontName="DejaVu Sans Mono" size="8"/> </textElement> <textFieldExpression><![CDATA[$F{START_DATE}]]></textFieldExpression> <patternExpression><![CDATA[$P{pattern}]]></patternExpression> </textField>
  7. I think you should either validate the input or provide a date/time picker. However if you want the functionality of converting bad values to a good date/time, accept a string and convert it.
  8. I think your best bet is to place two overlapping fields; one for each pattern. Set the Print On Condition so that only one will be printed.
  9. You might try 6.3.1; I have had no trouble saving files in that version.
  10. The answer you are looking for is probably in https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/localizing-reports-tibco-jasperreports-server-respect-time-zones
  11. Add a parameter to limit the records generated. Then run the report for each range of records using the parameter.
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