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Posts posted by christoph.schubert

  1. Hello Jaspersoft Community,

    I'm encountering an issue with Jaspersoft Report Server 8.1.1 regarding the addition of reports to favorites. Specifically, only users with the roles ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR and ROLE_SUPERUSER seem to have the capability to add reports to their favorites using the star icon or right-click option on the homepage. Users with other roles, such as ROLE_USER, are unable to do so.

    Despite extensive search and review of the documentation, I haven't found any specific configuration options or guidelines on how to enable this feature for all users who have the "Read" permission for the reports.

    I attempted to grant the ROLE_USER the "Administer" permission for the report, assuming it would mimic the permissions of the ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR, but unfortunately, it didn't work as expected. When a regular user tries to add a report to favorites, I noticed a 403 Forbidden error in the IE Debugging (F12) console.

    Is this a known issue or potentially a bug? I'm reaching out to the community for guidance on how to resolve this issue or if there are any settings that need to be adjusted to allow all users with appropriate permissions to add reports to their favorites.

    Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you!

  2. In Jaspersoft Studio 7.8, crosstabs in Ad-hoc reports had scrollbars that spanned the entire page. This allowed the user to scroll the entire crosstab, including the header and footer. In Jaspersoft Studio 8.1.1, the scrollbars are only in the data area of the crosstab. This means that for wide columns, only a small portion of the crosstab is actually scrollable. In some cases, the data area may not even be visible.

    Screenshot of a crosstab in Jaspersoft Studio 7.8 with scrollbars spanning the entire page.



    Screenshot of a crosstab in Jaspersoft Studio 8.1.1 with scrollbars only in the data area




    Is this behavior configurable? Can it be changed through customization in a Jasper system file?

    Possible causes:

    The change in behavior is likely due to the introduction of floating headers in Jaspersoft Studio 8.1.1. Floating headers allow the user to scroll the crosstab without the header and footer moving. This is a useful feature for wide crosstabs, but it may also be the cause of the reduced scrolling area.

    I would like to get feedback from the Jaspersoft community on this issue. Is anyone else experiencing this behavior? Do you have any suggestions for a solution?



  3. Hi,

    I create new Adhoc Report and choose Crosstab.

    As soon I have selected some fields, the totals are shown as default.

    I now have the option to "Delete Column Summary" respectively "Delete Row Summary" (see pic below).


    How can I set this Option as Default for every Crosstab I create via Adhoc Reports?

    So I will have the option to add the Summary but initially the crosstab will be shown without total row/column for each attribute.




    Thanks for any hints.

    (Customization in files will also be acceptable, if this is not an official setting via GUI.)




  4. Hi Tom,

    the root cause is, that the letter 'm' is case sensitive.

    m = minutes

    M = Months

    In several files this was not considered and there were lower m used to define the months (which should be M)

    I have handled this as I have searched for all occurencies and replaced m with M appropriately.

    Such files are datepicker-xx.js in the path (where 'xx' you have to replace with your used language code e.g. 'de' for German)



    datepicker-xx.json in the paths



    jasperserver_config_xx.properties and jasperreports_messages_xx.properties in ..WEB-INFbundles


    After restarting jasperserver Service. All was fine.


    Hope this helps



  5. You can search all the config files in jaspersoft for ".mm." case-sensitive.

    (Or search for -mm- and /mm/ as well)

    There are several places where dd.MM.yy is defined as dd.mm.yy.. For example: datepicker.js or jasperserver_config_de.properties.

    (Or dd/MM/yy is dd/mm/yy)

    Just exchange the "mm" to "MM", when it is meant to be months and restart Jasperserver. And there you go, you dont have to wait for 7.5 ;)


    Please ensure NOT to substitue MM in hh:mm:ss or similar. Otherwise you would have Months as minutes...

  6. Hi,


    in Jaspersoft v7.1 it should be possible to save a scheduled report to filesystem.

    All I have to do (referring the official documentation) is to manipulate the applicationContext.xml and set the property enableSaveToHostFS to "true".

    But this does not work. In other communities I have read, that this was possible until v6.2.1 but then was disabled generally.

    I have set the value to true and restarted JS (also the whole server) but I cannot seet the option "Output to Host File System" when scheduling a report. What am I missing? Or has this feature really removed and just kept in the Administration Guide? (https://docs.tibco.com/pub/js-jrs/7.1.0/doc/pdf/JasperReports-Server-Admin-Guide.pdf?id=1) p.212


    Thanks for any help


  7. Hi,

    we are using Jaspersoft Report with Domains as Source.

    So we don't have the possibility to solve following requiremend within SQL Code. (e.g. using RANK())

    Is there a way to rank the results for a calulated sum within Jaspersoft Studio?

    Source table in Domain:



    So we built a report, which groups the Owners and count the number of Tickets for each Owner.

    (First you need to sort by Owner, otherwise the grouping is not working properly and would group the Owner B as 2 blocks.)

    Result as Report is now:

    OwnerAmount of Tickets


    But for the Report we would like to rank the Owner with the most tickets to the top. How can this be done with standard features of JasperStudio and using Domains? I didn't find a way to get this result:

    OwnerAmount of Tickets


    I just have seen older posts, which requested such a feature years ago. And it was meant, that it has been taken as enhancement request. But even in version 7.1 manual I cannot find anything about it.

    Any thoughts are appreciated.



  8. It's been a while, but I searched for such an issue and your hints lead me to this:

    My measures wre setup automatically as "java.lang.Integer" and the total was calculated for this one. The the rounding does not work properly.

    Just changed the type to "java.math.BigDecimal" (btw.: which is also the type of the field from the query, so I don't know why the measure was created as Integer...)

    Then the rounding in the total field was working fine with the pattern #,##0.00  (or even #,##0.### if you want to eliminate decimal numbers at all)




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