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Posts posted by cgriefer

  1. Hey all.

    I'm currently writing a script that uses the Jasper API (v2) to edit a job definition via the endpoint at https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/jasperreports-server-web-services-guide/v56/editing-job-definition.

    Running into an issue where I'm getting a 400 returned with an error stating that the baseOutputFilename is a dupe. However, it is not. 

    The value that I'm passing is 02_13_19OnDemandActivityReport. In that folder, there is no other job that uses that baseOuptutFilename. There is one that is 02_13_19OnDemandActivityReportCSU. Is that similar enough that Jasper thinks they're dupes? 

    Does anybody know how Jasper determines dupes under the hood so that I can avoid hitting issues like these?

    Thanks in advance.

  2. As per the "Listing Report Jobs" online docs (https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/jasperreports-server-web-services-guide/v56/listing-report-jobs):

    Use the following method to list jobs, either all jobs managed by the scheduler or the jobs for a specific report:

    I can list all jobs on the server fine. But I'm trying to get the jobs for a specific report. 

    The docs suggest the format for this is a GET request to http://<host>:<port>/jasperserver[-pro]/rest_v2/jobs/path/to/report 

    I have done this, but I always end up with a 404. The docs would suggest that this means there is no job attached to the report, but that's not the case. 

    I'm using the following cURL command against a report that I know has jobs attached to it:

    curl "http://{our host}/rest_v2/jobs/{path_to_report}"      -u 'xxxxxxxx:XXXXXXXX'[/code]

    The host, path to report, username and password are all correct. They work fine against other API endpoints. At this point I'm assuming that either the API endpoint to retrieve jobs for a specific report is not working correctly, or the documentation is incorrect.

    Has anybody been able to successfully retrieve jobs for a specific report? If so, any pointers? :) 


  3. Thank you for the reply. That's what I expected. 

    I copied (right click, copy) a rather large folder of sub-folders and reports. Then I did a right-click and paste to a sub-folder. A few minutes in, I decided this was a bad idea, and cancelled out of the paste mid-paste. Not sure how far along it was. 

    I then deleted the folder I pasted. But the original was gone as well. 

    To reiterate, because I know it sounds like it, I am over 99% certain that I did not cut/paste. 

    I'm wondering if the size of the copy/paste and/or the fact that I stopped it midway thru factored into what I saw. 

    I will try to see if I can duplicate.


  4. Hey all... 

    I copy/pasted a folder in Jaspersoft Studio. I pasted the folder a couple of directories down from the original. It was definitely a copy/paste, and not a cut/paste.

    I ended up deleting the copy, which, much to my surprise and dismay, deleted the original as well. 

    Does Jaspersoft Studio retain some sort of reference between copied folders/resources? Is there any particular reason why deleting the copy would have also deleted the original?

  5. Hey all... 

    Would like to schedule some jobs, and have the output go to a sub-folder (named "Report_Output") within the current folder. 

    In other words, we have a folder structure like:

    • /organizations/organization_1/CustomerReports/ACME 
    • /organizations/organization_1/CustomerReports/BigGMovers
    • /organizations/organization_1/CustomerReports/CharliesWidgetCo

    Each of those customers has a "Report_Output" folder inside of their folders.

    By default, jobs are scheduled to the current folder. So ACME's reports would save to ACME's folder. But I'd like them to default to /organizations/organization_1/CustomerReports/ACME/Report_Output

    I know that I can hard-code a default output destination in  webappsjasperserver-proWEB-INFapplicationContext-report-scheduling.xml (as outlined at https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/how-change-default-output-repository-folder), but that would only allow me to specify "Report_Output". The XML file has no concept of the current folder, so the "Report Output" would be at the root of our server. 

    I'd like a way to specify that the default output location should be something along the lines of:

        this.model.get("repositoryDestination").folderURI + "/Report_Output"

    Anybody know of how/where I can accomplish this?


  6. When creating a scheduled job for a report, under "Output Options" and "File Handling", there is a checkbox for "Sequential Filenames by Timestamp". 

    The default timestamp shown is `yyyyMMddHHmm`. I know that can be changed on a job-by-job basis... but is there a way to change that default format at the server level? 

    Our users would prefer a different default timestamp. 


  7. Hey all...

    Currently have a report that works fine... we're ordering by a particular column and grouping in the JRXML and the Excel file shows 3 tabs. Let's say for the sake of argument, it's broken down as:

    Tab 1: "Dogs"
    Tab 2: "Cats"
    Tab 3: "Birds"

    Awesome. Works a treat. 

    We'd like to potentially show a 4th tab that has all of the records, not grouped. So each record would appear once (in either Tab 1 or Tab 2 or Tab 3), and then a second time in the 4th "All Animals" tab. 

    Can this be done?


  8. Hey Mariano:

    Thank you for the reply!

    I think I've got that... but what I'm trying to do is call the query after specific user input. 

    I had plain old SQL in the jrxml (with certain $P{Params} based on user input) that ran after the user chose a few values. 

    If I like the query as I already did, how to I tell the jrxml file not to run it until the user input is received?

    I assumed I'd just place some sort of variable that points to the query in the jrxml where I previously had the SQL written out. 

    Hope that makes sense?


  9. I've created a query that I'd like to be able to re-use throughout different reports. 

    Inside the report folder, I've got the JRXML file, some input controls, and a reference to the external query. 

    So the hierarchy looks like:

    - ACT (folder)
       - Activity Report: ACT (report folder)
          - activity_report (jrxml file)
          - consolidated_report_query (a predefined query)
          - start date (an input control) 
          - end date (an input control)

    In spite of a good amount of googling, I can't figure out how to reference that `consolidated_report_query` in the jrxml. 

    Any help would be _greatly_ appreciated.



  10. Hey all... 

    We're using the REST v2 API to dynamically create customer reports. That all works fine. 

    I'm trying to get one of the input controls (a dropdown) to display a default value. 

    I've used "Setting Input Control Values" call, which seems to work fine according to the response:


    As you can see, "Tigers" is now set to `"selected":true`. 

    But when I run the report, there's no default selected option in the dropdown. 

    And if I call the "Listing Input Control Values" endpoint, it shows that the option is no longer selected.

            <option>          <label>Lions</label>          <selected>false</selected>          <value>579</value>        </option>        <option>          <label>Tigers</label>          <selected>false</selected>          <value>695</value>        </option>        <option>          <label>Bears</label>          <selected>false</selected>          <value>11409</value>        </option>[/code]

    I've been able to do it by modifying the jrxml manually. e.g. changing




    But we're trying to automate this process. I can't manually touch the .jrxml for each account. 

    Is there a way using the REST endpoints to set a default value for an input control in a report and have it persist?

    Thanks in advance!

  11. Jasper n00b here... 

    We've got some reports that run weekly. They both save a copy of the report to a specified folder in the repository, as well as email a copy of the report to specified users. 

    We're finding that at times, there are discrepancies between these two reports. Obviously, there should not be. Same report. Same input params. Same scheduled job. 

    Not something that I can easily reproduce, as it's intermittent (as with all fun troubleshooting tasks). And lacking familiarity with Jasper in general, not even sure where to begin looking. 

    I apologize in advance for the vague/general question, but if anybody has any insights into where I might even begin to start looking, it'd be greatly appreciated.

    EDIT to add: have had a couple of occasions now where the emailed copy of the report is blank. The saved copy is fine. Thoughts??


  12. Hey Jaspersoft Community:

    New here. New to Jaspersoft. 

    We just recently upgraded our JasperReports Server to 6.4.0 (unfortunately, I'm not sure what version we were on prior). 

    A user is reporting that they used to be able to have multiple browser tabs open to run multiple reports simultaneously. He can no longer do that.

    Something additional I want to mention is that previously to the update made to Jasper I was able to work with up to five instances of Jasper at the same time, now I try to use at least two instances one for {REPORT 1} and other for {REPORT 2} and when I try to run a report in both instances both drops the queue and erase the parameter I was working with.

    I'm not 100% sure that this is an issue related to the upgrade. Just trying to isolate it right now. 

    Can anybody confirm (or deny) that the upgrade no longer allows users to have multiple tabs open for multiple reports, with different parameters? If so, is there a quick/easy fix? :)


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