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Posts posted by bmservices

  1. Hi together,

    is it possible to change the decimal separator in Jasper CSV export?

    I need decimals formatted like this:

    1,2345 instead of 1.2345

    Otherwise Excel will misinterpret the CSV after opening with doubl click.
    Especially f.e. 3.5 becomes 3. Mai!

    I searched here: http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/config.reference.html
    but did not find anything useful here: net.sf.jasperreports.export.csv.*

    Thx for tips, Bernd

    PS: xlsx/xls export is not possible... too much data :-(



  2. Hi,

    i've got in my jrxml:

    <parameter name="PROJECT_IDS" class="java.util.ArrayList">

    Within the Jasper Server GUI I can easily create an element which collects the IDs and passes them correctly to the report.


    But how do I do this in an URL:


    I tried "1,2,3,4" and "[1,2,3,4]" but none of them worked :-(


    Thx for any hints, Bernd





  3. Hi together,

    I'm working with REST API on a jasper which was not setup by me. It seems to be configured to work with authentication with bearer token, but not with basic auth.

    I want to to do a get REQUEST ON:


    Sending a header like "Authorization: Bearer ..." works perfectly fine.

    Sending a header like "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode("<user>:<pass>") ends in a 401 error.

    I'm sure that user and pass are correct. I can login with these credentials into the web interface of the jasper server.

    Trying to to it via browser:

    => Popup for Crendentials. When I enter the correct ones, the popup comes again. Authentication failed.


    So it seems that basic authentication is disabled on the jasper server. How can I enable it again?

    Thanks for tips, Bernd







  4. Thx for the suggestions.

    Finally I managed it.

    I changed my data source to the id.


    So my request body looks like:

      "dataSource" : {
        "dataSourceReference" : {
          "uri" : "/Data_Sources/Vertikom_Datawarehouse_PRO"
      "jrxml" : {
        "jrxmlFile" : {
          "label": "mquest_P706_SEG_Rackjobbing",
          "content" : "..."


    And I tried to send a PUT request to:


    My error was "ressources" instead of "resources".

    Then I get 201 created. And the report is working.


    Regards, Bernd

  5. Hi together,

    I 'd like to automatically deploy an Jasper-Report on a server after creating a jrxml from a database table.

    Tested first: manual deployment of jrxml works fine.

    There is an existing folder on the server:

    So I'm sending a POST request to:


    with the Headers:

    Content-Type: application/repository.reportUnit+json
    Accept: application/json
    Authorization: Bearer ...

    In the POST body something like:
      "dataSource" : {
        "dataSourceReference" : {
          "uri" : "/Data Sources/Vertikom Datawarehouse PRO"
      "jrxml" : {
        "jrxmlFile" : {
          "label": "mquest_P706_SEG_Rackjobbing",
          "content" : "..."

    In content the base64 encoded jrxml file.

    I always get a 404 error. Why? Is the URL malformed?

    Changing Authorization Bearer to something else ends in "unauthorzied". That's ok.


    Thanks für any help, Bernd








  6. Hi together,

    what config param must I set in the jrxml file so that the output of the report only is CSV format? Or xlsx format?

    I don't need a printed report in pdf or whatever format.

    Searching with "jasper report default output format" did not give me the right hint :-(

    Thx for help, Bernd

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