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Posts posted by jasperjones999

  1. thanks subashmy, this answer may work but we have all been trapped into not distinguishing between jasper reports via web browser and the jasper studio, MOST posts online do not help by saying which environment is being used. leading to wasted time and frustration all round. yet another classic documention fail, moderrators of this forum shoudl be activley marking each post for jasper report or jasper studio.... but they wont.

  2. forgive me but the answers above will be fine for this year but if you want a date in the past year using 

    YEAR(NOW()), will give the wrong answer.

    its its June now, how do I get the date 6 months ago?


    One answer is : use the apache commons lang time library

    adding this to a jasper report was a difficult and awkward as the rest of jaspersoft and when you finally get it installed, guess what the expressions editor (which has a font that is too small to read) does not give you any intellisence on the classes/methods available, super helpful TIBCO NOT!

    then you can add a negative amount of months to get desired result.

    new SimpleDateFormat("MMM").format(DateUtils.addMonths(NOW(), -6))


  3. maybe not default functionality but why not create a column in your data for the report which contains the parameter tail for your hyperlink;

    eg: client - city - salestotal - hyperlinkTail

    John Doe - washington - 123.44 - JohnDoe&CrossTabColumn (this bit will be appended to the hyperlink prefix for reports on your server)

    I've had time to test this theory but have done similar on other tools.


  4. can also be caused by calling a stored proc with exec or call in mysql and not having the language set to plsql

    although the plsql is confusing as its usually associated with oracle pl/sql ,so poor choice jaspersoft.

    but this option is applicable to ms sql server also, but jaspersoft docs and interface as usual are  not so hot on precision of language or even concepts.

    hope this help someone else before there are no more jasper soft users left.



  5. i'd like to know too as apparently:

    "The method EQUALS(String) is undefined for the type String"

    who wrote this............

    no validation on the expression editor have to exit and run the report to check (WASTE OF TIME)

    DOES NOT RUN WHEN validation underlines are not shown, repoirt just fall over at runtime  (WASTE OF TIME)

    and just look at teh NOISE and clean structure of the guys query above, fancy maintaining that ? anyone? I dont...

  6. I find it truly incredible that questions like this get no answer even after 10 years, if a reporting tool is designed to create reports how it can possibly be trusted when deadlines are tight, and the work needs to be delivered.


    If this functionality is not easily accessible “by default” then there is no point in deploying or even wasting time in training people in the use of Jasper Reports.


    Then there is the support aspect, every problem I have encountered and there are many trust me, I have had to solve with trial and error. It looks like many others here have simply left this forum and started using other tools because of the lack of creditability of Jasper Studio and reports.




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