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Posts posted by markus.weisser

  1. Hi Mariano, thank you for the hint. I checked the reference. But i think my problem is, that i'll have to pass a sum out of

    a list object not a sub report. When i click the List Options, i can see Parameters, Parameter Map but i'm missing Return Values Button...

    Do you have a clue how i can pass a value from a list to the main report?

  2. Hello,

    i'm using a List Dataset in my report. Within this dataset i'm filling a variable counting some values.
    I want to use this variable in the mainreport.

    Could anyone please advise me how to do that?

    I tried to drag the variable from the design tree of the list dataset to the mainreport, but this is giving me an
    "variable not found" error...

    thank you



  3. Hi, i've created a formula in order to show always the previous record number in the current recordset row,
    when the record number changes.

    It seems to work, when i place both fields - the  current number and previous number in the detail section


    Current  - previous
    40 - 40
    40 - 40
    41 - 40
    41 - 41
    41 - 41
    41 - 41
    42 - 41
    42 -42

    The strange thing now is, when i place a grouping on the previous formula field to the report,
    the engine creates two identical groups for instance for the number 40.
    In my example the first two records with identical current number are showing up in grouping with 40...
    The change in line 3 creates a new group showing 40 as well... !?!?

    Wy does the engine create a new identical group?




  4. Hi, the data is pushed by the application while opening the report in the app. It will be SQL...

    Columns are weeks, Rows are departments and measures should be the names of the employees...

    I place the cross tab in the page footer

    My current output shows only the first value of every cell.

    I think, i'm in the need of connecting the strings with an Incrementer Factory class.
    But no class i tried is working. I always get an report opening error. (nothing more specific)
    I need to know how i connect the string measures with the Incrementer Factory class
    in order to show a result list in every crosstab cell...

    Do you have a clue?

  5. Hello,

    i'm currently stuck on a crosstab.

    I like to achive a list of strings as a result of the measure.

    My source looks like this:

    Department1 - Name1 - Week50
    Department1 - Name2 - Week50
    Department1 - Name3 - Week51
    Department3 - Name4 - Week51
    Department2 - Name5 - Week53
    Department2 - Name6 - Week53

    The result should look like this, multiple lines as result:

                                Week50       Week51     Week52
    Department1    Name1        Name3
    Department2                                              Name5
    Department3                         Name4


    Currently my crosstab shows only the first value. No multiple values.
    Anybody knows how to achive this?




  6. Hello,

    i have a report which uses the page columns to display data.

    My problem is, that the columns option is only working global on all bands.

    I ilke to use the columns only in the detail band and wrap  a group with header and footer around...

    The group should repeat on the same page, not a new page.

    My report should look like this

    Page Header

    Department Group1 Header
    Column1      Column2          Column3      Column4
    Week1          Week2              Week3           Week4
    Department Footer

    Page Footer


    Does anybody have a clue how to achive this?

    For system compatibility reasons, subreporting is not an option.








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