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Posts posted by adrianzazugmail.com

  1. Hello, I have worked until now with ireport 5.6.0, I learned to use it in a basic way, now due to update issues I started using jaspersoft studio, the problem I have and that I have only found that a person happens iguia on the internet is Jaspersoft Studio prints everything with portrait page orientation and reduced. I have sent it to different physical and virtual printers, and they all print with the same results. I do the following: File-> print ..-> select printer-> accept. or Control + "P" which is the same. The printing is always vertical and reduced, (I hope I can put a sample image) but if what I do is export as PDF or any other, the export is correct. Is this normal? Do I have to configure something else in jaspersoft studio ?. First of all, Thanks.

  2. Hi, I created a report with ireport 5.6 , this is by compatibility with java 7 and DBF. I try to do the folow:

    my query is:

    Select *

    from table

    where field_in_table = $p{parameter_name}

    I need the folow:  $p{}==1?$p{}=26:$p{}=0
     (IF(parmeter==1) true value parameter =26, false value parameter=0)

    I tryed writed in default  value expression of the parameter and there is a error, i writed:
     $p{}==1?$p{}=26:$p{}=01?26:0 and not run the report,
    too 1?26:0 run the report but no filter in the query sql.
    I tryed with $p{}.intValue==1?26:0
    and with $p{}.intValue==1?$p{}.intValue=26:$p{}.intValue=0 there is error.
    How can I make the parameter change its value so that it is filtered by the expression WHERE of the query in sql.

  3. Good morning, in these last days and worked on my reports made Ireport successfully, now I want to make an executable to not open Ireport every time you want to generate the report. I have searched the internet how to do it, but I can not find the solution. Likewise I have some doubts that I hope you can solve me.
    1.- Is it correct that the executable is a file.jar?
    2.- Is there another type of executable? .exe for example?
    3.- What step should I follow to make the executable?
    I appreciate your answers. Thank you

  4. Thanks joseng62 for your answer, I use DB postgreSQL, I did something similar to what you tell me, now I will try to do them as you tell me.
    One more question, in Ireport to create a vartiable, in options has the field calculation and one option is lower and another Highest, these options serve my purpose?
    On the other hand I would like a tip too: When using a sub query, would it be better to do it separately or in the main head?
    My idea is the following:
    / ************************************************ ****************************** /
    Page Header
                                               here: $ {variable1} max = min? "max": "max-min"
    / ************************************************ ***************************** /
    I want to put a field, that write in value of maximum-minimum and if they are equal, only the value. But as I have tried it gives me a table with all the values or it gives me an erroneous value.
    First of all, Thanks.

    PD: The cogigo that you put me, I'm analyzing it and I'm going to adapt it to use it. Thank you.


  5. Hello Goodnight. I consult them again because for more than I try to do it, I just could not.
    I want to obtain the maximum and minimum number of a query, when doing it directly to my database the sentence obtains the correct data, when I do it in ireport I do not obtain the correct data.
    The query in my DB is:
    select max (age)
    from table_name
    where date_register = '2018-08-02'
    and field_name like 'Jhon'
    and last_name = 15
    I wrote it in different ways, in a dataset with a table and it shows me a list of the same items as in the detail band. Place directly the max field of the dataset and tell me that you can not find the field. Incerte the query in the main report query in this way:
    select max (age), table.name as name, table.lastname as lastname ... etc
    from table_name
    where date_register = '2018-08-02'
    and field_name like 'Jhon'
    and last_name = 15
    group by yhe_same_fields_of_select
    order by age
    and I get the value of the first row.
    I tried to use a variable with calculation lowest and highest and it says null,
    to the same variable I put an initial value expression $ f {age} and I returned the first value of the first row.
    If you can help me by telling me how I can get the maximum and minimum value in a query I will be very grateful.
  6. Hi, Good night, I have problems compare two differents fields in two tables, first in table1 I have the field, days off, this field is string and the information appeer this: SD.

    In the second table, the field is double and the information appeer this: 67.

    I tryed whit a variable and I can compare the two fields with a if/else, (some this: if DL=71, else LM=12... ) but the value of the variable is not saved, when I  filter in the query, the variable not work. I tried with a subreport to pass the value of the variable to a parameter in the subreport, but no save the information. My question is: I can declare the variable in the query for to filter whit a WHERE? (WHERE $V!{CONDITION} <> 12)






  7. Is it possible to use an Excel sheet as a database?

    I use Ireport with a SQL database and others,

    I use the query to make reports and use sentences for filter queries. I want to do the same with an Excel sheet but I do not get information on the subject, only to export and import.

    I want to use an Excel sheet as a database, the idea is that users capture the information in the Excel sheet and make a report with this information as it is done with other databases. Thank you

  8. Hi, I worked with Ireport, I could connect a .dbf with jdbc.jar, without problem, now I want work whit Studio because Ireport is old and no´t have mor soport, my firsts attempts no work, I used diferentes .jar: the RT.jar, JDBC.jar,  JTDS.jar and don´t worked. I want to know if Studio can connect to DB and how? TK.

  9. Thanks, I want to make a report with fields with the same name, only if the record has more than one record, write the first register in one field and the second in another.




    1.- PETER

    2.- JHON

    3.- HOZAWA


    in my report I want this:



    PEATER                                               HOZAWA

    JHON                                                  ADRIANZAZU





    If is it possible?

    First of all, Thanks

  10. Hello, good morning, I have a lot of experience in handling Ireport, what I need to do is a report where I use several fields, when making the query if there is more than one record in one field, register1 and in another record2 and so on. I will try to be more specific:
    this would be the page of my report:

    +    register1                                           register3 register4 +
    +    register2                                           register5 register6 +
    +                                                                                                  +
    +                                                                                                  +
    +                                                                                                  +
    +                                                                                                  +
    +                                                                                                  +
    +                                                                                                  +
    +                                                                             register1     +
    +                                                                             register2     +

    First of all, Thanks

  11. Thanks, kaushiklokesh123 and hozawa, I succeeded and I understood what was wrong.
    My query looks like this:
    SELECT fields
    FROM table_name
    WHERE field_date LIKE '$ P! {Date} '// DATE is a java.lang.String parameter and change the equals (=) by LIKE, and add the apostrophes ( ' ' )
    and it worked!!!!
    The fields in the band details also change them but does the same as java.lang.String as java.util.Date. It works, thank you.

    I also tested with BETWEEN thus leaving my query:
    SELECT fields
    FROM table_name
          field_date BETWEEN $ P {Start_Date} AND $ P {End_Date}
    Where $ P {Start_Date} and $ P {End_Date} are of type java.util.Date both.
    I also work. Thank you.

    Another question is: what is the difference between: $ P {} and $ P! {}, (exclamation mark). First of all, Thanks.

  12. Another question I have is: in my project I am handling a database by ODBC connection, in which a field is date type of 10 characters, when I see my database the form in this way is dd / mm / yyyy.
    in my query I have more or memos like this:
    SELECT *
    FROM 'table_name' table_name // (this part I understand it)
    WHERE field_date= 18/09/2017
    and tells me page without results.
    chage to:
    WHERE field_date = $ P! {Date}
    creating a "date" parameter with parameter class java.util.DATE
    and gives me the following error:

    Cause of: java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft] [ODBC Driver dBASE] Syntax error (operator missing) in query expression 'date_field = Mon Sep 18 00:00:00 CDT 2017'.
    Beforehand I thank you for the attention and I hope you can explain. Thank you.

  13. Hi, I'm new to this.

    My project needs filtering by dates, an example:


    SELECT fields
    FROM table_name
    name_field_date = 18/09/2017

    where name_field_date is a field type date
    The problem is that it tells (Ireport) me that there are no records, try changing the date format to 09/18/2017 and it does not give results, change the format to 2017-09-18 and there are no records, but if I write
    name_field_date > = 18/09/2017 gives me records for 2016.
    I do not understand how the Ireport date takes.
    Thank you.

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