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Posts posted by AK777

  1. I don't know if this is a bug, but the grouping of the cross-tab seems to be case-sensitive.

    Is it possible to ignore case sensitivity for grouping in the crosstab ?

    For example: currently product "ABC" and "ABc" are being groupped as different products!
    What I'd like to have is for the cross-tab to ignore the CASE and group "ABC" and "ABc" together.

    PS: yes it can be done within the SQL query, but I don't want to put load on the SQL server since quantity of data is large.


  2. Hi, 

    I am trying to change the logos of Jasperserver community edition using themes, but they are not changing...

    The steps I tried are the following: 

    1. Download the default theme
    2. Modify the png and jpg files that contain the logos
    3. Zip the folder with a new name
    4. Upload the .zip file into the themes folder
    5. Activate the newly uploaded theme.
    6. Refresh the browser (I also tried clear cache & tomcat restart)

    From what I have read, the above should be enough to change the logos but that was not the case, the default theme and logos were still appearing.

    Do I need to change other configurations ? Or maybe redeply the app to tomcat ?

    Thank you

    (I am using v6.4)

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