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Posts posted by guibernardi

  1. Hi,

    I read the documentation and the wiki and watched all the videos available. Maybe my doubt is a silly question, but here we go:

    I noticed that in all your videos, the plugin allows the report use a webservice as a datasource, then my report could get data from it. My issue is a little bit different and after a lot of searching I found your plugin.

    I'm on my JSF application and I have a regular XML String Object, my report is in my Jasper Server and it expects a XPath as a datasource.

    So I'm trying to send this XML String through parameter when I calling my report, but it doesn't work.

    Is this plugin provide any way to do this? Like sending a XML to the JasperServer so it'll have an URL and the report could read it.

    Thanks in advance.

  2. Hi,

    I'm trying to use a XML String as a source of a report which is published in a JasperServer. First of all I'm using Jasper 6.5.1, and my application is JSF.

    I have an report which receives an xPath as source, but the only way that I'd work was:

    - I create a webservice where I select the entity in database (the xml field is in this entity), so I return the Response.ok and the method produces a XML.
    - Then in the print calling I create the URL pointing to my own WS and I pass the URL as parameter net.sf.jasperreports.xml.source, but I think is a code smell because in the print calling method I already have the entity and the XML String, but I need to build an URL send to the report and the report call the webservice to get the same XML as a source.

    So now I'm have a similar situation but I don't have the entity yet so I couldn't use that workaround, so I need to pass the XML to the report as String, as Document, as InputStream or whatever.

    But it didn't work. Is there any example or way that I could do this?

    Now I'm trying to do like this:

    ..parameters.put("XML_DATA_DOCUMENT", JRXmlUtils.parse(new InputSource(new StringReader(nfe.getSisXml())), true));..[/code]

    But I'm getting:

    ..Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Infinite recursion (StackOverflowError) (through reference chain: org.apache.xerces.dom.DeferredDocumentImpl["firstChild"]->org.apache.xerces.dom.DeferredElementNSImpl["ownerDocument"]..[/code]

    Thanks in advance

  3. Hi!

    First of all, I tried every tutorial and example that I found on the internet also in this community.

    My problem is, I created a report in my local station (Linux: Deepin), and my JSF application is running in a server (Linux: Ubuntu). So In my local station the report is perfect, but when I commit and send to the server and print the same report it cut some words.

    I tried to generate Font Extensions, tried to change the font directly, tried to change Workspace and Project Settings setting the PDF Font Name and Font Default, also tried to create Font Extension and create a Style to apply to the PDF and it doesn't work.

    The only tutorial that I can't do until the end was generate a Font Extension export as a .jar and add do the Build Path of my Jasper Project, because the Build Path returns an error "NullPointerException" inside the JasperStudio, I tried in other laptop installing a brand new JasperStudio and the Build Path show the same error.

    I noticed that the PDF Font Name is always Helvetica no matter what I change.

    So could you guys have any solution, because I don't know what to do more.

    Thanks in advance.

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