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Posts posted by andrew.kerr

  1. I think they have made some major changes in 8.0.0.

    We used to do some customization to the javascript files to make changes to the interface that work well for us. Many of those changes were in scripts in the runtime_dependencies directory. As you have noticed, that directory is no longer there. It looks like they have separated out the code for the "jasperserver-ui" into a new component, which is then run through webpack, making the final code minimized and unreadable.

    I guess I'm going to have to figure out how to build jasperserver-ui. There are some README files, at least. The Jasper Server Source Build Guide is useless, as it still referes to the missing runtime_dependencies directory.

  2. Hi All,

    We have recently upgraded from JasperReports Server 7.2 to 7.8.

    Previously, when you clicked "BACK" from a drill-down child report, the parent report would automatically execute so that you didn't have to click "Apply".

    In 7.8, the parent report is appearing (with the correct input controls), but you have to click Apply to get it to run.

    Does anyone know if we can get the old behaviour back?

    It's possible that one of our javascript customizations was creating this behaviour, but if so then I can't find it.


  3. I don't think that's the same issue. The build script is literally looking for a file called "keystore-configuration.xml" in the templates directory, and that file doesn't exist. So either someone at jaspersoft forgot to include the file in the package, or whoever removed it didn't look for usages in the code.

    Regardless - we do a lot of customization for our deployment, and when I deployed a "vanilla" version to our tomcat it started. So something in our customization that worked in 7.2 is breaking it in 7.8. We deploy tomcat and build jaspersoft using the same non-root user. I can see the .jrsks and .jrsksp files in our user's home directory. That part seems to be working.

  4. I'm trying to get jasper server 7.8 pro up and running. During the creation of the new keystore, I see the following line:

    [copy] Warning: Could not find file /opt/nsp/analytics/nspanalytics/buildomatic/conf_source/templates/keystore-configuration.xml to copy.

    My server is not coming up, and I can't find any other errors at the moment. Is this file important?



  5. Thanks for the answer C-Box. I know that my query only returns one value for that field (the same value in every record), so that isn't an issue for my use case.

    I understand how that could be an issue if multiple records are returned, but why then is the SubTitle allowed to use the Fields from the main query? The main query could also return multiple records - yet the value is displayed in the SubTitle in that case. Which record does it choose? Why not disallow all use of Fields in the SubTitle if that is the problem?


  6. I have a report that contains 3 HTML5 charts. The data from each chart is driven by a sub-dataset. The sub-dataset query returns a field called 'order', that I want to include in the subtitle of the chart.

    Currently, this is showing as 'null'

    When I copy the query from one of the sub-datasets into the main report dataset, the Field value gets populated in the subtitle.

    It appears as though the subtitle of the chart does not have access to the $F{} fields returned by the sub-dataset. The plot area of the chart is behaving properly.

    Is there a way to get Field values from a sub-dataset into the chart subtitle?


  7. Hello,

    Is there any logging that can be enabled that would clearly indicate which jasper server (in a redundant configuration) executed a scheduled report?

    From the docs, I gather that scheduled jobs will be picked up by any server (and locked so other servers don't execute the report). We would like to know if there's a way to indicate somehow which server executed the report. I have thought of two possibilities:

    - Enable SQL Executor logs on both servers and watch them to see which one has activity when the scheduled report is run. This works, but is quite verbose and quickly gets confusing when multiple reports are being run

    - Enable email notifications on both servers. Configure each server with a different email address, and configure report notifications to be sent when a report is run. The user could look at the 'from' address to determine which server ran the report.

    What I'd like is to have a simple log message showing that a server has picked up a scheduled job. Something like: 'Executing scheduled report <reportName>'

    Does this capability exist?



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