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Posts posted by sebpra

  1. Hi all,

    I generate reports where data might be in different languages. Until now I was OK using single Dejavu Sans font, but now I need to support Chinese language as well and Dejavu Sans font fails to represent Chinese glyphs.

    Is there a way dynamically switch font to a different one if default one cannot represent text correctly?

    I don't think 'locale' feature will help me as data for PDF report to fill comes from same internal system in different languages. P.S. I use XML as data source.

    I use jasper reports 5.5.1 and if I am right font subset feature was introduced only in 6.2.2. I would prefer avoiding upgrade if possible. 

    To make sure PDF layout looks the same across the platforms I embed font to PDF.


    I would really appreciate any help or ideas how to solve this. I tried to go through the community but unfortunately couldn't find suitable solution. If I missed any, please excuse me for that.

    At the moment I have one possible option in my mind. Which is to check if field content glyph numbers(char converted to int) falls into font supported range and if not switch font. I haven't tested this idea yet but I have a feeling that this will increase generation time and load a lot if it is possible at all.

    By the way I tested MS Arial unicode font and this font does the job, unfotunately it is really expensive. Maybe you know good substitute for it?

  2. Hi everybody,

    I need your help. I am new to Jasper and can't find a way to fix my problem. I tried googling and went throught jasper community but still havent found any solutions.


    I have 2 subreports in detail band and they are printed one on another. Problem is when it comes to spliting them into new page. First subreport should always be printed whole in same page so I set split to prevent. First subreport alway contains no more that 3-5 lines. Second one should be splitted since it can have from 1 to 90 lines and may take more than one page. So I set split to strech. Now I get a problem that some times  seconds' subreport first few lines are printed in first page since it takes less space than first subreport and I need to fix it that way that second subreport would start only when first one is printed. 

    Please help me with this one.

    Many thanks.



  3. Hello everybody,


    I have a problem and I cannot find answer why this happening and how to solve it.

    I tried to google it and ran through jasper community records but still no help.



    We upgraded jasper reports from 4.5.1 to 5.5.1 and after upgrade some fields started to cut off part of text when exporting PDF. E.g. Date was 2017, now it is represented like this 201. All reports got affected and to modify all of them would take too much time. I tried to recompile jrxml files with project set to 5.5.1 and redeploy - still same problem. p.s. i use JasperSoft studio 6.0.1.final and if I export PDF using JasperSoft studio everything is OK. It only fails when PDF exported from server.

    Fonts and font size is the same.


    When we upgraded jasper reports we also changed OS (From Windows to Linux), could that be a reason?

    What could cause this?


    Any help would be highly appreciated.

  4. Hi,

    I am new to Jasper so i'm sorry if my problem will look silly but any help would be appreciated. I have tryied to solve this problem for more than 3 days. I already have read a dozen articles on this matter but still haven’t figured it out how to solve this.

    In subreport I have 3 elements in detail band: [Text element_1], on a right side of it [Text element_2] and under Text element_1 is

    1. .

    [Text element_1] - Position type = Fix Relative To Top, Stretch Type = No Stretch, Stretch With Overflow = false;

    [Text element_2] - Position type = Fix Relative To Top, Stretch Type = No Stretch, Stretch With Overflow = true;

    1. - Position type = Float, Stretch Type = No Stretch, Remove Line When Blank = true;


    If [Text element_2] gets stretched with Overflow, blank space appears under [Text element_2] and detail band bottom edge.

    On other case when [Text element_2] doesn't starch, even if

    1. is presented or not - everything is OK.

    If I move

    1. to be in line with other elements - Then no blank space appears.

    As a workaround I created other empty text element under [Text element_2] and that looks like solves the issue but I would prefer better solution than this...


    I would appreciate any help. 


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