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Posts posted by b123786gmail.com

  1. HI All, 

    I hve the main report on left hand side and the sub report appears on the right. 

    The sub report appears when i click something on main report. 

    But when i select another input contol and APPLY. The main report gets refreshed but the sub report stays static.

    I want the sub report to disappear as soon as someone hits apply. How can i do that ? 

    please let me know if it makes sense 



  2. I want to have an AND functionality instead of OR Functionality for Multi Select List of Values CheckBOX.

    Imagine i am trying to book an hotel. I want all the rooms which have AC and TV

    Currently in Jaspersoft when i select AC it shows me all the rooms which have AC, then if i select TV then it shows me all the rooms that have TV and AC. BUT it also shows me all the rooms which have JUST AC or JUST have TV. How can i just see rooms that have BOTH AC and TV and filter out the rest ?


  3. Thanks dohungnd94 for your answer but in the given video it has just one measure that is used in crosstab. Also in the documentation it does not say how to have two measures in tthe crosstab.

    Do you have a sample workbook with two measures in crosstab ?


  4. HI all, 

    I want to know how to add measure to the crosstab. I am using the latest Jaspersoft studio. 

    I follow the below tutorial on youtube where he just drags and drops the measure on to the measure tab. 

    I can create a new meausure but cannot drag and drop the measure to the already existing meausre column. Please advice if anybody is facing the same issue ? or is there something wrong with the version ?





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