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Posts posted by shizuku

  1. Hi everybody,

    I'm coming here with a question. I have a big report who's generated every month (+- 2500 pages), 95% of this report is a list for every person in the company and the last page of the list is a receipt they should sign and return. We're printing the ist on the two sides of a sheet of paper, and what I want is having a blank page between the end of the list and the receipt to have only the receipt on a new page, without the end of the list on the other side.

    I tried with a Break, that's work but the problem is the header (printed on each page in properties) is also printed on this "blank" page and she's a waste of paper, I want her without the header, is it possible ?

    Hope you'll understand what I mean, english is not my first language ^^'

    Thanks :)

  2. Hi eveyone,

    I'm coming here to have any help about the generation of a report. I have a main report (+- 200K lines) who is generated in less then 2 minutes by ireport, but, when I add subreports to this main, the generation become very very slow (more then 1 hour) and I don't know why. In Toad all my requests are very quick and it's the same when I try all my subreports separately. I'm using iReport 4.5.1

    After a lot of hours with my friend Google to try different solutions, IDK what to do more to increase the generation.

    I tried :

    • Change de config file of ireport by changing J-Xms512m -J-Xmx1024m line (can't put more then 1024 or ireport doesn't want to start)
    • Use a virtualizer in the tools of ireport
    • Print When Detail Overflow is false on every subreport

    A total generation for 5 or 10 minutes can be OK for me, but more not.

    I was wondering if using sub dataset can be a solution to replace sub reports ? (Never used it before, looking for tutorials to see when and how to use them).

    I hope someone will be able to help :)

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