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Posts posted by erickdelsocorro

  1. Though this question is almost seven years old, I have faced the same concern. On my situation, I am printing tables on SUMMARY BAND and its filling pages. Therefore, it is  important to tick "Summary with Page Header and Footer" under Report properties. In case you're only printing data on DETAIL BAND, you don't need to set this up and a different setting must be corrected. 

    Are we facing the same issue? Let me know if this works for you too. :)

  2. Yes, it is possible.  To achieve this, follow the steps on Jaspersoft Studio:

    1. Create New Style. On the outline window, right-click style and select Create Style. Afterwards, Right-click the newly created Style then select Create Conditional Style.

    2. Change Backcolor Setting. On properties window, under appearance. Select the appropriate back color.

    3. Set the condition. Ensure <NO CONDITION SET> under your new style is selected. Back to the properties window, under style tab, place the condition on Conditional Expression field. i.e: $F{ROW_POSITION}.compareTo( $F{MAP_TYPE}) >  0

    4. Set TextField Style. Select the text field you want to apply the style. On the properties window, under Advance tab, On Style setting which is under the graphic property, type in the name of the custom style you made.

    Let me know if this works for you! :)

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