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Posts posted by daniel.netti

  1. I'm trying to pass a XML group content (I'm using XML as datasource) as a parameter to a java method, I need to get this group in java class, format the tags information (name1 + name2 + name3.....nameN) and return it to the JRXML TextField.
    I can do it for a simple XML tag, but when I try to do it with a group, It appear as null in java method:
    My XML:


    My JRXML fields declaration:

        <field name="group1.group2" class="java.lang.Object">
        <field name="group1.group2.person" class="java.lang.Object">
        <field name="group1.group2.person.name" class="java.lang.String">

    My JRML textField Expression:

        <textFieldExpression   class="java.lang.String"><![CDATA[com.foo.report.MyReport.formatNames($F{group1.group2.person})]]></textFieldExpression>

    My method signature:
        public static String formatNames(Object person) {...}

    Debugging the "formatNames" method, the parameter "person" appear as null.

    If I change the parameter of textFieldExpression to the field group1.group2 it appear as null too.

    If I change the parameter of textFieldExpression to the field group1.group2.person.name it appear the String in the java debug: "John".

    The goal is format the names list to show as: "John - Mary - Joseph" in the textFieldExpression, if someone have another way to do it, please, tell me.
    Thank you

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