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Posts posted by david.garza

  1. I'm experiencing a strange issue when using token-based login with JasperServer. Most of the time (not with any guaranteed consistency) a user passing to JasperServer using an encrypted token results in being redirect to the login page ONLY on the first attempt within the same browser session. Subsequent attempts to pass through (using the same or different token) within the same browser session pass through flawlessly. This has been tested in Chrome's Incognito mode. We've verified the issue is browser agnostic. 

    We generate an encrypted token from our application and pass it as the parameter `token` in the URL. We've implemented the correct beans and configurations within applicationContext-externalAuth-preAuth.xml. The token is successfully decrypted and roles are applied and mapped correctly within JasperServer. We know token can successfully authenticate an external user to JasperServer because subsequent attempts (with the same or different token) work flawlessly, we see an external user created, and the roles map as expected.

    Any thoughts?

    I can provide specifics on configuration.

  2. Mariano,

    Thank you for the response. So if I understand you currently, you are suggesting that I create cascading parameters setup. In my case, I would create two inputs:

    Loan # (single text entry field)
    Multi-Select Query using Loan # entered as a SQL like filter parameter

    For the multi-select query, I would return no results if Loan # is empty otherwise I would return TOP 20 (e.g. SELET TOP 20 LoanNumber...) which dynamically updates as the user types in a loan number. I would use the selected value(s) of the Mutli-Select query in report query rather than the "filtering" Loan #.

    Does that sound accurate?

  3. Hi!

    I have a multi-select query parameter in JasperServer which performs a query against a database of 500,000+ unique records returning a single value for the user to select one or more. I simply cannot query for 500k records each time the report is open. Is there another option such as a auto-complete as your type in the value whereby performing a where lookup on the value column and all of the visible columns?


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