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Posts posted by ralphskie

  1. Hi Hozawa

    here's the log

    ERROR CsrfGuard,http-apr-8080-exec-3:44 - potential cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attack thwarted (user:<anonymous>, ip:, method:POST, uri:/jasperserver/rest/login, error:required token is missing from the request)[/code]
    2017-01-06 16:40:50,877 ERROR CsrfGuard,http-apr-8080-exec-5:44 - potential cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attack thwarted (user:<anonymous>, ip:, method:POST, uri:/jasperserver/rest/login/, error:required token is missing from the request)[/code]
    Token is required?where should i get the token? or set it on the server?
    PS - notice the ending slash on the 2nd URI
  2. Thanks for linking it @hozawa manage to solve it with their answers there.

    Anyways will share what i have done so maybe it can help someone here.

    1.Need to configure META-INF/context.xml (located on JRSERVER_install_path/apache-tomcat/webapps/jasperserver)

    <Resource name="jdbc/Sqlite" 
    name= any name you want
    url =  the location of your database file - I copied my on the installation folder but no problems where you want to put it
    factory = org.apache.tomcat.dbcp.dbcp2.BasicDataSourceFactory ----> for tomcat 8,if you have lower version kindly search for it
    2. Edit WEB-INF/web.xml (located on JRSERVER_install_path/apache-tomcat/webapps/jasperserver)
            <description>Reviews Database</description>
    3. Make a new datasource in JRServer
        Use JNDI Datasource
        Service name = jdbc/Sqlite or whatever you put on step 1 NAME
    Test it,Thats all http://community.jaspersoft.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/thumbs_up.gif


  3. Hello been exploring the JasperReports for a day now and its a great reporting tool.

    Ive succesfully installed the JRServer and JR Studio, been testing the MySQL database with JDBC Driver with good results both on JRServer & JR Studio.

    But now i want to test a datasource for SQLite, Downloaded a JDBC Driver here (https://github.com/xerial/sqlite-jdbc) and installed it on tomcat/lib.

    The problem is after testing the JRServer prompts a "Cannot get a connection, pool error" - please see attached image


    Do you have any idea what this error is about?or suggestion for a good/working JDBC Driver for SQLite


    ps : I've tested this driver on JR Studio and it works well,did generate a report but once transfered to JRServer it wont and error still the same.


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