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Posts posted by slingky

  1. I have the following data ;

    POLine, BuyQty, EstimatedReceivingDate, PackSlip, ReceivedQty

    PO123-1, 6, 2018-05-01, Packslip123, 3
    PO123-1, 6, 2018-05-01, Packslip456, 1

    PO666-2, 4, 2018-05-02, Packslip777, 1

    I group by POLine and added a variable called RemainingQty (BuyQty - TotalReceivedQty) so here  I have

    POLine, BuyQty, EstimatedReceivingDate, RemainingQty

    PO123-1, 6, 2018-05-01, 2
    PO666-2, 4, 2018-05-02, 3

    All work well except I want to make a cumulative string that would include the 2 previous lines here so;

    PO123-1, 6, 2018-05-01, 2
    PO666-2, 4, 2018-05-02, 3

    Because I would use that variable in a tooltip so the user see some kind of drilldown when he over the report.
    It's not working correctly. I tried to create a variable.

    Name : Tooltip
    Calculation : non calculation function
    initial value expression : ""
    increment type : none
    reset type : none
    expression : ${Tooltip} + "n" + $V{RemainingQty} + " for POLine : " + $F{POLine} + " estimated date : " + $F{EstimatedReceivingDate}

    The problem seems related to the variable $V{RemainingQty} which is not evaluated at the correct time.


  2. Hi guys!

    I have JasperServer 6.3

    I usually publish my reports on it and link a data source from the repository.

    I would like to be able to set the datasource at runtime using an input control parameter.

    For example, in repository, I have these data sources

    DataSourceA -> point to server A
    DataSourceB -> point to server B

    DB structure is identical on both server but data is different.

    I read a lot of threads but didn't get how to implement this.

    Could you help me please ?



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